Nervous and Crazy
Citation:   Amealion. "Nervous and Crazy: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp10371)". Jan 6, 2007.

350 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
Well what actually happened was about everything I had never expected. I had been trying benedryl on and off. I started with 6 pills and then 10 and perhaps 15. I use to do dxm and up the dose by 10 pills every week just to see the difference. I decided to do it with benedryl too. So I ended up having to go to some party that I hated and I knew benedryl was the best solution sense it hadn't done me any harm before, but after I took it and it took effect at the party, I was so out of it.

Most of the time I sat staring into the distance, trying to get away from people in case I couldn't talk correctly. I felt tired and not terribly high, but just out of it mostly, I kept forgetting things. Once, I was having a conversation with someone and then suddenly forgot what I was talking about. Eventually we left the party and went home and I decided to watch a movie, which I barely remember now, just parts.

By the time I wanted to go to sleep, I had this anxious 'heavy' feeling as most people call it and in my opinion, it's no big deal, I overall enjoyed it and I've done bigger doses.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10371
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 6, 2007Views: 8,372
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Large Group (10+) (19)

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