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Reminds Me of Bad Quality Street Coke
Citation:   Gigolo. "Reminds Me of Bad Quality Street Coke: An Experience with Ethylphenidate (exp103713)". Jan 19, 2017.

T+ 0:00
10 mg insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 24:00 40 mg insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
Tasting Ethylphenidate

So I wanted to try out this new stim as it sounded promising based on similarity of its molecule to famous methylphenidate aka Ritalin.

Its completely legal in my country and I was able to obtain a reasonable amount – 500 mg from a reputable source (I was satisfied with previously ordered products). At first I tend to be very careful with unknown substances so I decided to insufflate a small 10 mg amount which I hoped would give me a taste of threshold effects.

T:0 Little 10 mg line insufflated. Not nearly as bad as was described in another reports. The burning was present although manageable. For a minute my left eye was watery and my nostril was burning but nothing horrendous. I must note that my heartrate rose up almost INSTANTLY.

T : 0:05 My heartbeat calmed down to just above average. I think I can attribute this to placebo effect. But first signs of effects appeared. I felt more awake, not unlike a strong coffee or a good sleep. However my vision got sharper and more bright.

T:0:10 Feeling something definitely although not what I had expected. There is no unsatiable urge to do something, I am fine with just walking. No jaw clenching or racing thoughts.

T:0:15 Hit the plateau. My vision is very clear and broad and walking feels fine. Quite dry throat. Some feelings are present although I am not sure if its not just placebo. Its not very intense.

T:0:30 Peaking definitely. Very clear headed and still feeling the bodily effects. Lighting a cig seems like a great idea and of course it is pleasurable.

T: 1:00 All has come to a sudden end in course of ten minutes. I dont feel any body effects and stimulation is already gone.

T:1:30 This is definitely the end, nothing happens. I feel quite out of it and lack of energy. Nothing serious, almost at baseline.

Next day I had more courage and prepared a fat 40 mg line to see if I can get any good out of it.
T:0 Insufflated the line. Burning quite intense but I can get through it. Watery eyes again
T 0:03 There it is. The same feeling as yesterday. Vision more sharp, colours lucid and bright.
T 0:05 Intense mood lift. Music sounds great – not trippy, just more enjoyable and edgy. Heartbeat again only slightly elevated (thank god).
T 0:10 Now I dont have any doubts this product is working. Although not as I expected. The rush is getting quite intense, bodily feelings are present (tight muscles, pressure in head) but my mind is clear and I am not losing train of thoughts. Still rising higher.
T 0:15 This is peak ladies and gentlemen. I feel great. The high is more chill than I expected i just enjoy sitting in a bus, watching people around. I cant focus on one thing although I can keep conversation just fine. Pupils are not dilated. Palms very sweaty and they feel cold.

T 0:30 The euphoric side is over. Now body stimulation is very present, I like this journey in the bus and doing nothing but watching the road is pleasurable. Sometimes I feel on the edge of anxiety. Just for a few seconds but its definitely present and reminds me of marijuana bad trips. But I experienced them a lot and can manage it.
T 0:45 I think its subsiding now. I dont feel very comfortable. Crash?? Maybe – slight anxiety crawling, cold sweat and just last bits of stimulation. Quite uncomfortable.

T 1:00 The effects are gone. I feel tired and bit anxious and bright light just makes things worse. I am lighting a cig in a shade and it gets better for a second. Hints of paranoia creeping in, had to put down my headphones to hear if people are not talking about me.
T 1:30 Feeling much better now, although still not at baseline. This experience got dysphoric past 1 hour mark.
T 2:30 Baseline. Heart beat calm and regular, the sweats gon away and I feel comfortable chatting with a friend. Thank god its over so quick!

My judgement :
I would give this substance five points out of ten. It has positive sides, but also many negatives. Onset is quick, as are main effects and crash is manageable although not comfortable. I think it might get a lot worse after binging! I think I might try smaller doses (around 20 mg) with booze, it might be quite enjoyable. Reminds me of bad quality street coke a bit.

Pros :
Enhanced vision
Euphoria (mild)
Only slight change in heart beat
No change in pupil size
No jaw clenching

Cons :
Short action
Sudden crash
Paranoia and anxiety probable
Not quite good for activity
Not sure about parties

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103713
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 19, 2017Views: 3,394
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Ethylphenidate (563) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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