Acid Flashbacks and Weed
by weed
Citation:   weed. "Acid Flashbacks and Weed: An Experience with Cannabis (exp10380)". Nov 24, 2001.

  smoked Cannabis
A couple of months before I started smoking weed I tripped a couple of times, once with 2 hits and once with 4, and did the whole morning glory thing - 500 seeds. Everything was good, no bad trips or nothing. I’ve smoked weed before then, but not very much. Now, probably 50% of the time when I smoke, even if it’s just a bowl or two, I'll have an acid flashback - I guess that's what's happening. It's weird, I start laughing uncontrollably, and my body feels completely different. My body feels weird, like my brain is flowing out of my ears, my heart feels like it's gushing blood, and my mouth is not in my body, but somewhere across the room. After I stop smoking everything will just get worse. My souroundings will be completely different - the floor will begin to crawl, faces move, and I begin to see colors, it’s like I took a ton of acid. It would be great and everything, but I usually freak out. When I take a drink of water it feels like it goes right threw me, and I usually start yelling that I pissed my pants, and I always think that I'm chewing on my tongue when I bite down. Last night was the last time I smoked, and I was 100% sure that I was going to die, and was freaking out.

The 'trip' lasts as long as I’m high. All I want to do is get high, not start tripping and freaking out.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10380
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2001Views: 4,816
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Not Applicable (38)

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