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Comedowns on E, a Comparison
Citation:   Ketkid.. "Comedowns on E, a Comparison: An Experience with Ecstasy (MDMA/MDEA/MDA) (exp10382)". Sep 27, 2004.

  oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I just thought I'd let you all know about my general experience with E, and qualitative differences between 2 pills and 5 pills. I must say from the start, that Ecstasy is my drug of choice. Its vastly preferable to Alcohol, and I've probably taken about 600 doses in my lifetime. i still find it very good, though there is a definite loss of 'magic'.

At 2 doses - the effects of the high are wonderful, loved up, very nice inner feelings, a highly enjoyable buzz, with a good desire to dance. At this dose, I'm not sure if anyone could be capable of violence, and the unity I feel with my surroundings and other people is wonderful. There is no body load usually at this dosage, and I believe this is a good ceiling dosage. Hallucinations are slight, but variable, usually a softening of objects. Jaw tensing is not bad, and there is next to no nausea.

At 2 doses - THE COMEDOWN - Totally bearable. The next day, I usually feel slightly high, and I've never reported a bad crash at this dose, though on some of my earlier trips, I have felt sadness as the club/rave had ended.
In the couple of days following, there is a mild, but expected level of anxiety, and a small, but appreciable level of depression, that is barely noticeable. what I call 'electrichead' (Buzzing in the brain, like electric shocks) is almost non-existant. I'm not sure yet whether 5-HTP eases the negative feelings of the comedown, but I am currently researching this. Thinking is reasonably lucid, and it is not impossible to work with this level of comedown.

At 5 pills - I have had both experiences with similar pills. When I get to the 3rd pill, there is no noticable come up. Also, at about this point, a body load kicks in, often I feel too 'stoned' to dance. Raising the dosage does nothing positive. Often I feel bloated from water, and can experience mild headaches, and achy on occasion, often experiencing nausea. This is post 'crash' (so to speak) for me. Though it doesn't feel too dangerous at these doses, I feel that my night has been wasted at this dose level, and resulting in a mongy feeling for the rest of the night.

At 5 pills - THE COMEDOWN - Can be very unbareable. The next day, I don't feel slightly high, but usually annoyed by the previous nights' experience. Tiredness sets in soon after awakening, and this lingers for several days. The anxiety can be incredible, (though I must say it depends on my typical mood), and depressive thoughts can be very common. electric head is usually very severe, this beginning 2 days after the experience and continuing for days after. there is a somewhat severe lethargy, and the anxiety/depression can be very difficult to work with. Thinking can be very difficult, as can concentrating, (As I'm studying for a degree, so I need to work).

Just thought I'd add this, as it seems I get better experiences in general with low doses than high doses. I know many people who do very high doses, I used to, but I'm trying to cut this back. An attempt to use the drug sensibly. These are just my findings, I know it varies person to person. It could be the 'loss of magic' is just a result of using too many doses at once.

Oh, I have also found that Ecstasy has this bizarre effect, where I want to chase the high (Taking multiple doses). I used to take 6 pill doses trying to chase the feeling I get from the second pill (The best I must say)

Anyway, stay safe.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10382
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2004Views: 11,588
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MDMA (3) : Depression (15), Hangover / Days After (46), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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