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After Years of Practice
Citation:   Christopher C. "After Years of Practice: An Experience with Dreaming (exp103887)". Jun 1, 2020.


From a young age of no more than five years I’ve dreamt and every now and then I would go through a significantly more vivid dream so over the years I’ve developed a personal attachment to dreaming in general.
I’ve developed a personal attachment to dreaming in general.
This attachment brought me to where I am now and I would like to describe as thoroughly as I can my findings on how to lucid dream or in other words, be awake while in a dream.

I learned at an early age if I wake up in the morning and immediately go back to sleep oftentimes, I can enter into the same dream I was having as I awoke. I suggest around two hours of 30 minute alarms designed to wake you just as you are entering the dream state and each time you wake up and go right back to sleep the dream becomes more and more intricate and vivid; this isn’t lucid dreaming however, this is just having a strong connection to the dream state. In order to enter into a lucid state one must have a trigger.

A trigger can happen on its own without effort but I was much more likely to have a lucid dream once I mastered a trigger of my own. Everyone’s trigger is different I suppose as I havn’t encountered anyone with the same experience as me or anyone willing to test my method. I suspect though that if it works for me then it should work for others at least some others. My trigger just happened in a dream once as a child in which I simply performed telekinesis. After having this dream I was fascinated with the concept of telekinesis as I’d never seen it in reality but felt it so strongly in my dreams. This led me to try to dream about telekinesis simply by thinking about it as I fell asleep. This method would not always work of course but on occasion it did and the more it happened the stronger my attachment became to that particular dream and I believe this is the key to unlocking lucid dreaming; conscious, emotional attachment to memories created from your dreams.

After years of practice I earned some degree of control as to the frequency of these kinds of dreams where I had telekinesis and eventually I started to remember previous dreams while dreaming, almost like waking up to the collection of my life memories but it is only the memory of myself in dream state. While in high school I had a breakthrough. Obviously I cannot perform telekinesis in the real world and knowledge of this began creeping into my dream state consciousness and one morning, in the dream, I performed telekinesis just like in any other dream but this time it dawned on me I must be dreaming because telekinesis isn’t real. I almost immediately woke up from the realization but I knew something had happened. From that moment forward it became my goal with my dream state to pursue that state of mind, where I knew I was dreaming but was still in the dream. I am now able to perform telekinesis or my “trigger” and enter into the lucid state in almost any dream sequence if I use the above method of increasing dream strength.

Often, upon the moment of awareness, I’m filled with powerful feelings of awe, euphoria, and humility for the beauty of the landscape my subconscious mind is providing for me to experience and this will almost assuredly wake me up in real life but on rare occasion just like an experience I had only days from writing this I am able to stay asleep in body but linger in the dream state with my senses. After the euphoria of awareness settles I enter into a mindset where I am myself as in life but in a different place where the world around me is like a multi-dimensional sandbox
I enter into a mindset where I am myself as in life but in a different place where the world around me is like a multi-dimensional sandbox
for my mind to play with.

I wonder if there are others like me that through what were unconscious events in their lives brought them to having waking dreams. I wonder if there are implications to Dr. Rick Strassman’s research into DMT and the dream state. I’m no scientist but this is something I am able to do quite easily given about two hours of REM sleep and according to Dr. Strassman’s research he believes DMT is responsible for dreams so would it not stand to reason if DMT is the cause of dreams then perhaps the lucid dream is simply a more potent release of DMT in the brain much like building up orgasms to increase the “release” of the eventual orgasm? I intend to find out by trying DMT and comparing the experiences.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103887
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 1, 2020Views: 594
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