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Unusual, Beautiful, Positive, Intense Trip
Citation:   Blu-fUNk. "Unusual, Beautiful, Positive, Intense Trip: An Experience with Cannabis (exp10392)". Jan 7, 2007.

2.5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  0.5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  0.5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Setting: In my room with computer, when listening to music it's with headphones. I was chatting to a fellow tripper and good friend on MSN he was tripping on different shit, but he knew wot I was going through. room was dimly lit if computer screen is turned off. no-one was physically with me.

Time: Approx 3:00am - 5:45am, I was VERY tired before smoking.

Before I start - this was my first time smoking bud (very young leaves with seeds) they have much more THC than normal, which is why only 2.5 cones did it for me. This trip is also quite unusual for cannibus and surprised me alot! All I did was relax and let the ganja take the reigns for a bit... enjoy!
Hello, my experiences with Ganja before this day have been merely mellow experiences which get me in a nice comfortable mood, nothing could have prepared me for the MINDBLOWING PERSPECTIVE CHANGING experience this super Ganja gave me. I felt the trees encase my head, my mind. My brain was the soil for the plants, I truly felt that, and I suddenly understood what 'change in conciousness' meant...

I'll start with probably the simplest thing to explain - flying :D. At the very beginning, sitting down (BEST position for tripping) my head was REALLY heavy, yet I was floating. This ain't notin like flying tho! Lets move to third person camera. He's sitting, eyes just fully closed while head tilted down and back bent down. Slowly his head tilts up and back with it, smile widening, eyebrows raising, laughing like he's on one a ride at a theme park. He looks like a damn fewl. hehe.

Back to first camera my head continues to raise (note: not I raised my head) back to normal sitting back in my chair position, then further back till I couldn't move it back any further. While my head has been moving back, I have been flying higher and higher. When my head tilted full back I was flying so high!! and I felt the falling/flying sensation, that tension. Hope you know what I mean. Laughing FIT while my head was in full back tilt. Could not stop laughing. Tried to explain it to my friend while having a laughing fit, which eventually reverted to a huge smile. :D

At one point I felt my hands were just automatically typing without me thinking, and the computer was responding to my messages. I didn't feel like I was chatting to a person anymore (this computer responding perspective didn't last too long). This is when I felt my mind seperate from my body. They were seperate entities with separate purposes. I had a vision of my dark mind and my dark body (separate), my mind remotely telling my body what to do. Wierd, hard to explain feeling. But it was actually quite profound. I would've thought a spirit/body separation would be more likely, which was half why it felt quite strange indeed.

I felt a bit closer to the dude I was talking to while tripping, I started calling him 'bro' which I never usually do, and I felt it was totally necessary for me to call him that, cos we had this full on connection throughout this time. I know if it had been someone else, they would have had such a hard time dealing with me in that state.

I tried lying down on my bed. Getting into the totally relaxed mood, I started feeling and hearing my blood trickle through my body. I knew exactly which route it was taking cos I could feel it, and this was complimented my some subtle trickling noise and another sound (can't remember) for when it was being pumped by my heart.

Although I didn't think it at the time, I'm pretty sure MOST of the reason I had such a good trip was because I was talking to someone who knew EXACTLY what I wanted to hear at the right time and who I could report back to every time I returned from a trip. I took for granted the safety he gave me, but now I realise. Also when my focus moved to my blood flow, I was told to keep off the blood, instead focus on energy flow. Right then I could see the doors leading to dark places revealed and I was lucky to leave before I entered any. Energy flow is a really positive thing to focus on.

The most puzzling moment was during the first peak. The lighting was dim as I had turned off my monitor. I relaxed (well, I couldn't really help that heh) and my eyes became very unfocussed, half-closed, in fact, almost closed. Then funny things started happening, the keyboard 'evolved' and so did the faint white lines on my adidas pants, and any other dimly lit stuff just became something really interesting. And I wasn't in 3D anymore, I was in 4D. I felt like my mind was pushed so hard, it was just on the verge of seeing clear 4D, but since my brain isn't used to it, it could make much sense of it. Still, it was very different to 3D - VERY interesting.

this wasn't the most freaky part tho. After a while of a ride through 4D, well actually it happened near the start too - displacement. Where I was in relation to everything around me changed. Quite suddenly at first. When I was coming back from the trip, my vision slowly gradually focused. And when it was back in full focus, I freaked! well not really, it was more a puzzled 'Whaaaat the fuuuuck!' (I was laughing while saying it, so there wasn't fear).

Now this is very hard to explain properly, but the best I can do is say I felt like I was in a mirror image of where I was before tripping. It was SOOO puzzling, I just couldn't believe my eyes, I thought I had come back to the wrong place, and I'd have to trip again, then try to return to my normal state. The keyboard was on the left of me now. HOW!!!!!! I definitely didn't move and yet it is true. I was seeing clearly, but my whole ROOM was rearranged as a mirror image. Even slightly different to mirror image. Now that was freaky. And it isn't the best description, but it'll have to do. All it took for me to regain a more normal (well STONED normal) vision and perception was rotate my head from side to side looking both directions.

Probably the most amusing dream/vision I had during this trip was this: I was flying through a jungle - one with trees that had the most vibrant colors in their leaves. All my favourite colors everywhere!! Then there was this HUGE orange cheesel and I flew right through it! It was siiiiick flying through that hole. Cos dey my fav snack. I think I told the dude I was tripping with that I flew through a cheetos, but dey phukin spherical hehe!

Music - Sound VERY FUCKING DIFFERENT. Hard Bass kicks were very sounding soft, mellow and comforting to my ears. I wanted to hear some sub-bass though cos I felt that would give me so much satifaction - but all I had was headphones. Music becomes VERY 3D! It is much more free and real. BTW this is the first time I've listened to full on dance music with thumpin bass while stoned. Usually I'm listening to more chill music - dnb or mellow shit.

Music I enjoyed immensely while stoned:

vaio - Rapture (Deep Dish Remix) - This is a good one cos I played this not long before I got stoned. Played this over a couple of times, the kicks were very nice, I understood the singing a great deal more - the 'la la la la' parts I could even understand what she was saying there. (I have shit memory of the rest of the details soz)

HOUSE MUSIC PLEASE!!!! It's trippy because of the combination of the artists playing with these things: eq filter, resonance, panning. These three simple things together is the recipe for a headfuck on ganja!! An example of house music I played is roger sanchez - another chance. Quite an enjoyable house track, but totally trippy when ur fucked. I'll never forget the first 2 seconds of the track, the artist uses the recipe above to the max - kinda subtle since it's only the first 2 secs, but it literally moved me in the chair and my brain was being skewed by it. Made me real dizzy, it was so satisfying to understand and feel music so well.

Analog Pussy - Shperma Pornomatic, this song ALWAYS SOUNDS good, stoned or not, but when stoned it sounded alot 'warmer' and the 'waaaho!' vocals were really bloody enjoyable. amazing stuff.

The only thing I'm dissapointed about is I didn't get to try all the things I wanted, cos I wasn't thinking clearly. For so long I didn't even listen to music - but even then it was VERY fun and interesting. If I could add to the experience, I would have listened to the 'headfuck' directory of my collected Infected mushroom tracks. I know they would have fucked me up. I could try it next time, but I dunno if things will be as intense or the same.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10392
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 7, 2007Views: 1,253
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