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Everything Was Made of Plastic
PCP-dipped Cigarette
by Abby
Citation:   Abby. "Everything Was Made of Plastic: An Experience with PCP-dipped Cigarette (exp104042)". Dec 23, 2017.

  joints/cigs smoked PCP
My boyfriend, a visiting friend, and I were bored and sitting around the house on a hot summer day. My friend suggested we smoke some PCP. He called it 'water.' My boyfriend and I had never tried it, but we agreed. My friend drove down the street and bought one Sherman cigarette that had been dipped in PCP from a street dealer. (We lived in a ghetto area at the time.) It was really cheap.

The three of us sat around and shared the sherm. It didn't take very long for me to feel high. I had been in a good mood prior to smoking, and this good mood continued throughout the high. It felt euphoric. I was sitting across from the two guys, listening to them talk, and suddenly they turned into the cartoon characters Heckle and Jeckle -- two black crows wearing little vests and smoking cigarettes. It was a full-blown hallucination. I'd taken LSD, peyote, mescaline, and mushrooms before but never hallucinated like this. I thought it was funny, and wasn't frightened by it at all.

In a few minutes, my friends changed from Heckle and Jeckle into cartoony skeletons sitting and talking. This wasn't scary either. Again, I thought it was kind of funny and interesting. I remember being aware that I was high on a drug.

This hallucination went away and I looked out the window. Everything looked like it was made of plastic, with a kind of vinyl sheen to it, even the trees and plants. It reminded me of Disneyland.

I was able to talk once the hallucinations left, and my friends had the plastic-world experience, too. We were laughing together. Neither of them had full-blown hallucinations like I had though.

I don't really remember how long the high lasted, but I think it gradually got weaker and weaker over a couple of hours. I didn't have a hangover from it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104042
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Dec 23, 2017Views: 2,362
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PCP (113) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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