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Similar Doesn't Mean Safe
Citation:   Sonik. "Similar Doesn't Mean Safe: An Experience with 25B-NBOMe (exp104144)". Jun 16, 2016.

2 hits   25B-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  2 hits   25B-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
To start, I have a lot of experience with psychedelics, LSD being my favorite drug period (other than weed of course) .

My friend one day informed me he had blotter tabs of 25b-NBOMe, which he described as almost identical to LSD except for the fact that it last one hour shorter and has a strong bitter taste. However it was 20% the price of LSD per hit.

I took him up on the offer and my girlfriend and I each took 1 hit and had a fantastic night together, reminiscent of our first LSD trip together. I was immediately sold. I could hardly tell a difference between 25b-NBOMe and LSD aside from the shorter duration and bitter taste
I could hardly tell a difference between 25b-NBOMe and LSD aside from the shorter duration and bitter taste
, just as he had described.

I soon purchased a large quantity from my friend in order to share it because of how amazing it felt and because of a lack of pure LSD in my city at the time.

One night my girlfriend and I were going to an EDM show and planned to each take 2 hits. We had another 4 hits to sell at the show. We made sure to let people know it was not real LSD. However, halfway through the show we hadn’t sold a single hit because multiple people were there selling real LSD. We were having a fantastic trip, but being experienced with psychedelics, knew we could handle the effects doubled, so we proceeded to each take 2 more hits.

We met back up and went back to the main room and danced while waiting for them to kick in. After some time had passed, another friend of mine arrived at the show. The next 2 hits were beginning to kick in so I gave him my light gloves and asked him to give me a lightshow. I sat down and he started giving me a lightshow…

Suddenly I’m surrounded by EMS workers and being questioned inside of an ambulance, with my girlfriend crying outside because they wouldn’t let her ride in the ambulance with me to the hospital. I had a splitting headache and had absolutely no idea what had happened.

When I got to the hospital I called my girlfriend and she informed me that while my friend was giving me a lightshow I suddenly went into a grand-mal seizure. I have never had a seizure before in my life and have no other health issues
while my friend was giving me a lightshow I suddenly went into a grand-mal seizure. I have never had a seizure before in my life and have no other health issues

Upon further research after I was released from the hospital, I noticed other people have had similar instances with this substance. I told my friend who sold me it what happened and he destroyed all he had of it. So this is just to let you all know, just because something feels almost exactly like real LSD, it does not mean it’s anywhere near as safe. Be careful out there.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104144
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jun 16, 2016Views: 3,440
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25B-NBOMe (564) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Glowing Experiences (4), Health Problems (27)

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