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I Think Benzos Are Good for One Thing
Alprazolam & Ondansetron
Citation:   Anaxis. "I Think Benzos Are Good for One Thing: An Experience with Alprazolam & Ondansetron (exp104162)". Dec 2, 2019.

3 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam
  1 tablet   Ondansetron
Xanax and Benzos

I've been off and on benzos for several years. For me, personally, I don't recall ever once having a 'fun' experience.
I don't recall ever once having a 'fun' experience.
What it does for me is simply cause me not to give a shit about anything, and, if I take a slightly higher than recommended dose, I'll get an hour or two of slightly drunken-feeling, forgetfulness, then just drowsiness and slightly increased depression. I've tried 5-6 different benzos (and was on Ativan for two years, daily), but really they've all had the same effect.

For me, Xanax is useless for recreation. In fact, not only useless, but I'd rather I'd not taken it at all (not in the dose I'm about to describe).

For example, this morning, I took 3mg of Xanax, as I'd taken 2mg before (per my psych for anxiety - though he wrote the script for 1mg x2 a day, am and pm, not 2mg at once) a couple days before and thought I'd might have had slight buzz, and thought I'd try to the ever-elusive 'euphoria' some people talk about. I got nothing but very tired, then nauseous though I haven't thrown up yet (took a Zofran, which helped only somewhat), layed down and couldn't sleep, just felt like, well, I felt like shit.

I am officially done with experiementing with benzos for 'fun'. Yes, some might enjoy them, but not me. I think these might even be dangerous for those with depression issues.

Honestly, I think benzos are good for one thing: reducing anxiety once in a while - which is exactly what they are designed to do. Any rec use is pointless, and mixing them with booze or anything else seems to me an equally pointless risk.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104162
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Dec 2, 2019Views: 2,645
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Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Unknown Context (20)

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