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Geometric Reality
Citation:   sacralviews. "Geometric Reality: An Experience with 2C-B (exp104169)". Feb 8, 2022.

T+ 0:00
50 - 100 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:20 1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

I had tried psychedelics five times before this trip. Due to a lot of stress in my life leading up to this trip, amongst other factors, I hadn’t done any drugs other than cannabis and alcohol for 11 months.

I have been curious ever since my first trip about how high I could push the barrier. Ego death is something I wanted to experience, but slowly build myself towards. My visuals previously have been very weak, though the other aspects of my trips were in place (headspace, awe, etc).


After a long and windy road trying to repair my life, I had finally started to feel happy, and that my life was falling into place. I decided to acquire some 2C-B.
I had finally started to feel happy, and that my life was falling into place. I decided to acquire some 2C-B.
I wanted to push my limit, and had decided to go for 50mg alone.

The plan changed when I invited a good friend of mine over to join me. I’ll call him Mike for the sake of this report. We had both dabbled a bit with other drugs than cannabis and alcohol before, but it was our first time with 2C-B, and the first time we did something else than cannabis together. We were both in a state of mind that it would go fine, and that pushing ourselves a bit would have no really bad consequence.

We decided to go full in and filled up two parachutes with approximately 100mg of 2C-B each. We dropped together at 19:55. We were in my bedsit, which faced out towards a garden. I had recently cleaned everything thoroughly, so there was nothing we could trip up on and nothing to distract us. I had not eaten much at all the whole day, and was slightly hungry before dropping.

The Trip:

Time: 15 minutes

I had already started coming up a bit. I was feeling a slight amount of nausea, and my curtains had started gently breathing. The come up was pretty rapid, and the more I came up, the stronger the nausea would become. I told my friend that I needed to lie down a bit, as the body load was getting to be too much for me. I went to lie down on my bed, and that is when the trip really started to kick.

Time: 30 minutes

I started detaching from reality quickly. Everywhere I looked, whatever I looked at breathed, morphed, and changed colours constantly. Unfortunately, the nausea was too strong for me to really appreciate it. At this point, time stopped having any meaning to me. I went back to the couch to my friend, told him I was tripping too much to get any food, but wanted to eat to try suppressing the nausea. I was incapable of eating, however, since my mouth was dry, and my appetite completely gone.

I asked Mike to find my cigarettes, as I was feeling too sick to look for them. I was hallucinating too much to find them myself anyway.

When we went outside and sat down to smoke, I looked at the garden, the houses around mine, and the sky. When I looked around everything I looked at would turn into intense patterns. The focal point of my vision would be all that I could see. Whenever I looked somewhere, patterns would form, rapidly morphing and changing colours. Green, red and blue would be the dominant colours in my visuals throughout the peak. I was incapable of seeing any depth at this point, as the centre of my focus was all I could see.

When we came inside again, I still felt nauseated, but I was tripping harder and harder. My friend was not feeling anything yet, and I said I had to lie down again, and see what happened. When I lay down and looked at my wall, colours were shooting all over the place, and the texture of my wall was flowing, and melting within itself. The nausea ended up subsiding a bit, and I realised I was in for quite a ride.

My friend decided to snort what I assume was about 100mg more in retrospect, since he wasn’t coming up. I had told him before we dropped earlier that we were already pushing well beyond what we should be doing, and that snorting it was a bad idea. However, at this point I was too messed up to really realise what he was asking, and send him a clear signal. After he snorted it, he also rapidly came up, and ended up much further out than me in a matter of minutes.

I had brought water to the bed, to help with the nausea, but I wasn’t drinking any, because my visuals had taken over so much that I couldn’t tell if the lid was on or not. I was also not sure if I had spilled the water all over the place or not, since my tactile sensation was completely disconnected. I couldn’t feel wet or dry or what texture things had. The feeling of dissociation was really strong.

Everything stopped making any sense for both Mike and me, as we both just looked around. We didn’t know that we were still in my bedsit, we had no clue what normal meant, and communication was practically impossible. All I saw was constant geometric visuals, alternating between 3, 6 and 8 planes of symmetry. Whatever I focused on would be the centre of the symmetry, and everything would just shoot out of that, in many colours, very “straight” (square/triangle-like) visuals.

I was looping constantly, but not with one thread of information but the peak as a whole. I had been doing different things since the come up started, but it felt as if time had been sliced, and placed at random throughout the peak. We weren’t really able to communicate and we were both too fucked up to even know what reality was, so we just watched the visuals.

Mike had a really bad nose pain from snorting, and he was also so far out he thought he needed to go to the hospital. I had no idea what his words meant, but every time he talked about how he thought he was going to die, his face morphed into a sinister mess, and blood would shoot out of the sides of nose. I was too far out to realise if his condition was serious or not, but the visuals indicated that it was very serious. But serious made no sense any more. Nothing did. All I knew was that I’d taken a psychedelic, but that made no sense either. I was never scared. I was so detached from reality that fear meant nothing too.
All I knew was that I’d taken a psychedelic, but that made no sense either. I was never scared. I was so detached from reality that fear meant nothing too.

Eventually, Mike decided to call his girlfriend to come pick him up and evaluate if he needed to go to the hospital. Using the phone was impossible, as the visuals would just take up whatever we looked at. The screen was just geometric patterns, constantly morphing and continuously changing colours, at a very rapid rate. He eventually got hold of his girlfriend, and this is when I started going in to a full blown loop.

I couldn’t tell if his girlfriend had come yet, if he had called her at all, if she was coming, or not coming. My loops were intertwining and it felt like I had been in this psychedelic visual world for an eternity. I would keep reliving the different parts of the evening, as if I was transported forwards and backwards in time constantly. I was experiencing parts of the evening before in what was the present, what felt like the future, then back to present, then past again.

When his girlfriend eventually arrived, we were completely incapable of making any sense to her. We weren’t capable of giving directions to my bedsit, and I only had a brief moment where I was able to tell her the address earlier on the phone. My friend said he felt like he was dying, and blood started shooting out of his face again. He was able to tell her what we had taken. I was stuck in my own world, my own reality however. Sometimes I would realise that they were there, then other times completely forgetting that they were in my bedsit, despite being within one metre of me. The visuals were the biggest cause for this, as I would not see them if they weren’t in the centre of my focus.

Mike’s girlfriend ended up picking him up. I couldn’t tell if he had left or not, and I had to keep checking to find out. I was walking through my relatively small living space, with no clue where I was, and no clue if my friend had left or not. I had trouble telling which way gravity went. Sometimes, I would think it went towards one of the walls; other times the ceiling, to the opposite wall, then back again. Since I couldn’t see beyond my focus, it was very hard to tell where I was in my bedsit too.

I decided to take a shower, since I felt either warm or cold, but I couldn’t tell which. Once I got in the shower, I went straight back out again to check if they had left yet, since I had already forgotten. I went back in to the shower, and out again, many times, because I was very confused. Things still didn’t make sense. I was standing up in the shower, couldn’t tell if I wanted to stand, sat down, couldn’t tell if I wanted that, and kept on standing up and sitting down, whilst trying to turn the temperature up and down constantly.

After a little while in the shower, with wild colours coming off the water, I started getting a small hook back into reality. I was still tripping harder than ever before, but the world had at least started making a bit of sense. I tried building on that hook to get back to reality, but it was near impossible, since my visuals were still going strong, and my head felt too fried to make out any form of coherent thought. I was also still very forgetful.

Time: 4 hours and 20 minutes

I got out of the shower, and slowly started returning to a more coherent state. I called a friend, to try explain to her what I had seen and been through, but she told me I was constantly looping in the conversation the day after. We ended the conversation after 5-10 minutes.

I called a close friend with some experience with psychedelics, and I was able to slowly return to baseline by speaking with her. I went for a walk whilst on the phone, and smoked a joint. It was soothing, and brought back some mild visuals which were quite pleasant.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 8, 2022Views: 523
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2C-B (52) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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