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The Exotic Arena of Dimethyltryptamine
Citation:   Iaoaum. "The Exotic Arena of Dimethyltryptamine: An Experience with DMT (exp104212)". May 24, 2019.

  smoked DMT (freebase)
As I peeled back the tin foil I got my first glimpse of freebase DMT. Miniature white pointy crystals covering the base and sides of the glass dish tray. I can’t believe it worked.

As a child I knew there was more to life than just what we as people in society are typically presented with. As we grow up we realize the ups and downs of life can be extreme, most of the population are dealt the downs and never experience the real highs. This is typical of the human experience of planet earth, I wasn't going to be one of those people.

This had been at least two years in the making, from late nights scouring internet forums to the opening and closing of Silk Road, the endless hours spent reading trip reports, books, watching YouTube videos, talking to people, Terence and Dennis McKenna, a whole list of freethinkers, public speakers artists and intellectuals. These things all lead me to DMT.

This will be my first psychedelic experience, I have no stick of which to measure my experience upon, and no pre-conceived notion of what a psychedelic experience should look or feel like. I have been ill in the past and had wild vivid colorful and exciting dreams so I will use them as the only personal material I have to reference to the psychedelic experience.

I extracted DMT from 60 grams of Mimosa Hostilis root bark powder via the hot water naphtha method. I put the freebase crystals into a glass jar and put it straight into the freezer. I had been preparing for this experience all week
I had been preparing for this experience all week
and now I was doing anything I could find to distract myself from actually doing it. The accounts of experiencing your own death and birth didn't scare me entering another dimension didn't scare me encountering intelligent aliens and out of body experience’s didn't scare me, one takes these ideas at face value and expels them as absurd no matter what the circumstance. That is of course before one has experienced those ideas. What scared me was I knew I would be changed after this experience.

I was in a position where I didn't know anybody who had even had a psychedelic experience, I was a total virgin to this. That being said, I had just spent two days extracting the most potent psychedelic known to man. I knew I was crazy enough to do it, eventually, crazy or naive to the fact of what I was about to go through.

I have witnessed the devastating effects of hard narcotic abuse, this path could have easily been walked but I have done my best to steer clear of the pitfalls of the modern cultural narcotic society, I would rather be an outcast than to be doing the same things as everyone else. That is until everyone else becomes aware of the true divine being they are of course.

It was about midday when I started to prepare the setting I was going to sit on my Thai pillow with calm music (Kip Mauzy- Sweet Stillness) playing in the background, staring directly out of French windows into my garden.

I used the tip of a long spoon to scoop some DMT out of the glass jar and placed it into a brand new glass pipe, I lit the glass pipe from the bottom and inhaled as smoke rose upwards out of the pipe. I waited for a moment, nothing happened. I repeated this three times to no avail.

DMT is a waxy substance that must be vaporized, it will turn from crystal/wax to liquid when heat is applied instantly, I would want to vaporize it very slowly and inhale the smoke and repeat until all smoke and liquid has vanished. My fourth try I used some mixed herbs to sandwich the yellowish white DMT, having tried already to enter hyperspace I hurried back to my seated position, calmly did some breathing before carefully hovering a flame over my mixture. I inhaled.

The smoke was thick and it smelt like what I have come to understand DMT to smell like, unusual. The smoke moved slowly through the pipe and as I inhaled the synchronicity of it was beautiful. I took it all in and held till I couldn't hold any more and exhaled.

The mixed herbs disguised the taste and I wasn't sure if this was it, I lit the mixture lightly again determined this time to clear the bowl and not fail my attempt at ascension. Once the pipe was cleared of smoke I slowly sat back and opened my arms to place my pipe and lighter down beside me. As I did this I heard the music in the background twist upwards with pitch and pan around both of my ears as I released my exhalation of smoke. This was it, I had arrived at the door step, I had proven myself worthy enough to find its address, and had the courage to knock the door. I was about to be let into the exotic arena of the tryptamine.

Probably the first thing I noticed was that my body was extremely pulsating from my legs all over to the beat of my heart. I noticed I could feel my whole body and everything I could see breathing with me as one. It was unlike anything I had experienced before, I engaged this feeling calmly knowing that the drugs I had just taken 10 seconds ago were working on me.

I was looking out into my garden and I started to see my plants move in a way I have not ever seen before, the petals of the plants and trees vibrated wildly as though they were waving at me back and forth faster and faster until they all pointed upwards and continued vibrating to a point where I felt something was happening around me, I just had to let go and throw my head back. This is when I realized I was under the strong spell of the insanely powerful tryptamine. I remember a thought occurring to me, probably the last thought my old mind had, it said “Here we go, this is it, there’s no turning back now I hope you’re ready for it”.

I was sat in the middle of a largish square room on a pillow on the ground. As my head went back and my eyes faced the white ceiling the whole room’s interior sharpened dramatically like a computer software programmer, sounds ping ponged inside my ear canals, from left to right. I was bonded to the DMT, objects had vibrations that morphed into fractals. The more I focused the more intense this became. In 30 seconds my experience had taken me from my front room an arena of madness where my senses were being tested to the limits of what possible is. This was the star attraction of the hallucinogenic experience.

Large geometrical shapes burst brightly into my visual space from the outer corner of my eyes and eventually enveloped my whole vision these shapes were turning like cogs like some sort of universal mechanics in control of the conscious system. It was time to close my eyes, I’m not sure if I knew this or it just sort of happened to me.
It was time to close my eyes, I’m not sure if I knew this or it just sort of happened to me.
I was too far gone to even comprehend controlling myself at this point.

The visuals that had enveloped my sight were now playing out in the most spectacular way with my eyes closed like a symphony of light and sound played out in the grandest of theaters getting bigger and bigger every second. It had gained depth and became a swirling vortex of time, color and emotion, the rush of the experience had reached a peak.

I duly remembered what I was here for. Due to my knowledge of DMT and prior reading if I was being anywhere at that moment I was in the place I was told to state your intentions. I did so.

After that everything was white light, light became everything, it was warm I knew of no time or place or space or anything. After this ended I floated gently back into my body from which I didn't even know I had left, I opened my eyes and came back home. I cried with joy, how and why is this possible, thanked myself for doing it, thanked the plants because it’s all about the plants. Life has never been the same since.

We all think we know what DMT is or does so I’ll save that speech, DMT means a lot to me. It also means a lot to this planet. I couldn't have wished for a more truly unique experience. Mediation and Yoga go a long way to enhancing this experience, a long way.

I have since experimented with doses and achieved a breakthrough, this was something else completely, I guess I just thought fuck it, and then DMT proceed to fuck me lol.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104212
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: May 24, 2019Views: 728
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), Personal Preparation (45), First Times (2)

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