Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Not Ready. Not Yet.
Citation:   haky_nash. "Not Ready. Not Yet.: An Experience with DMT (exp104219)". Sep 23, 2018.

  smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
Having read a myriad of articles about the Spirit Molecule and its profound effects, I had been trying to get my hands on some DMT freebase since a long long time. Eventually did a couple of weeks ago. And finally did it yesterday.

I did it with a friend (Nick). Nick hadn't done much research about the substance yet but I thought my hours of overenthusiastic research and devouring documentaries up would make up for it. I was Shaman-ing him and myself, though I was a beginner myself.

We had a total of 200 milligrams. In a ziplock bag. It was an extremely beautiful yellow powder. In my research, I had read up on Ayahuasca. And even though the brew is rather cruel on the tongue and sometimes the stomach, it is easily consumed(drank) and takes one on a beautiful ~4 hour trip. Whereas the freebase takes one on a 30-45 minutes' trip when smoked properly.

We didn't have a bong or a pipe. We decided to make our own. We cut the bottom out of a plastic water bottle and then covered the bottom, as tightly as we could, with aluminium and taped the aluminium into place. The idea was to put the DMT on the aluminium, cover it with the bottom-less bottle, light it up from enough distance so that the DMT vaporises properly and doesn't burn away, open the cap up and take a toke. We hadn't packed it properly the first time, wasted ~50ug. Put another 60ug in a cigarette and tried to smoke it up, failed. Packed the 'bong' more tightly this time, took a toke and that was it. I was out. There was an extremely loud buzz. The source wasn't clear. But it was there. There were some colors I could see. But I couldn't move. My jaw was pralyzed. Hell, my whole body was paralyzed. It was a Near-Death experience. I think it was the Mother's way of showing me what my death would be like. It was really really beautiful. There was vaccum for that moment. The loud buzz was still there but I wasn't human anymore. At least partly so. There were spirits who were communicating with me but not by the use of words. Some other telepathical mode of communication. And I knew that they were showing me my death. But this was shortlived. I hadn't had enough to breakthrough and I didn't think I wanted anymore. I remember thinking I wasn't ready for DMT yet when I thought that maybe I hadn't had a breakthrough quantity yet. So I decided to go for another toke.

DMT on the foil. Bottle on the top. Lighted it up and took another toke. I was out again. The buzz was there. Not as loud as last time. But everything else was much much intense. I was thinking of worldly stuff and stuff I think I'll do to change the world. When the spirits slapped me. Pushed me away. Disowned me. Told me I suck. That this shit I am thinking is just plain selfish, that they aren't going to show me anything because I am not ready yet. Not worthy enough yet. That I needed to work harder to be worthy enough, pure enough to see the Spirit Mother herself. I will try DMT again. That is for sure. But it will be after I am pure enough. I don't know how I am going to get there. But I will.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104219
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 23, 2018Views: 919
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DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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