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Failed to Terminate a Migraine
Citation:   migrainechick. "Failed to Terminate a Migraine: An Experience with LSD (exp104348)". Apr 7, 2017.

T+ 0:00
0.66 hits oral LSD  
  T+ 2:15 100 mg oral Sumatriptan (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:05 5 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:15 5 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam (pill / tablet)
10:30 75-100ug LSD
12:45 100mg Sumatriptan
1:35 5mg Valium
2:35 5mg Valium

This trip report is about an attempt I recently made to terminate a migraine using a small dose of LSD. At approximately 10:30 on a Saturday I felt a migraine coming on. I had one the night before and took my regular dose of 100 sumatriptan. Based on studies and anecdotal evidence on the web there have been a large number of reported cases where a migraine was terminated within 20 minutes of a small dose of LSD. The majority of these cases were Cluster Migraines which more often affect men, but there did seem to be some cases of successful treatment of women’s migraines. Mine are cyclical and occur most often 1-2 days before my period. There are only very isolated cases of it causing or aggravating a headache.

At 10:30 I take the 2/3rds hit of acid. It is advertised at 150ug per hit and my husband has taken it before and feels that it is probably in this range. It has been tested and reagents indicate that it is indeed LSD. There is no taste. In 15 Minutes I feel it coming on. I cannot keep my feet still where I am sitting. The Headache is getting worse.

11:30 I have been coming up the last 45 minutes and I am anxious and still very tense. The headache is getting worse. I have short periods of relief lasting a few minutes only to have it return at an even higher Intensity. I am definitely tripping, the sheets I am laying on feel wonderful and things are changing in size, but it is impossible to enjoy over the pain.

11:45 Nausea has set in and I vomit. I feel this is caused by a combination of the pain and effects of the LSD. This has now turned into one of my most painful migraines.

12:45 I can no longer take the pain and take a 100mg Sumatriptan pill.

1:35 The pain has continued to build and I now take 5mg valium to terminate the trip.

1:45 The valium has kicked in and the trip has been almost completely terminated. The pain has dropped to a more manageable level. It is shocking have fast I came out of it and I am very relieved.

2:45 The Migraine component is gone. My head aches more as if it were bruised now. This feeling has happened to me before after a severe migraine. Take an additional 5mg valium in attempt to sleep.

The next day:
I am exhausted and in bed until the afternoon My brain still aches. It is not a migraine but the residual effects. I can finally do something around 3:00 pm and go to the food store.

2 Days Later:
I do not enjoy my morning coffee and almost have to force myself to drink it. Soft boiled egg tastes wonderful though. I am relaxed and have energy to do some stuff I was too overwhelmed with to do before the trip. Anxiety levels are much lower.

It was very scary that the migraine medication had no affect on my pain level whatsoever. That 75-100ug of LSD can completely overpower 100mg of a migraine medication (a thousand to one ratio) is a testament to how powerful acid is. The pain came in waves and built with the trip and I would guess once the valium deactivated the LSD, the migraine medication took back over end ended the migraine. It was nice that I still did enjoy the typical aftereffects of a trip but I will not repeat this experiment.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104348
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Apr 7, 2017Views: 1,559
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LSD (2) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49)

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