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Mixed Bag
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   ShroomCurious. "Mixed Bag: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp104374)". Mar 27, 2023.

8.5 g oral Amanitas (dried)
Preparation: Reading about the recreational use of fly agaric, I learned that the ibotenic acid contained in the fresh mushroom is undesirable and somewhat toxic. Therefore, I have prepared the mushrooms by cutting them into small strips and thoroughly drying them in an oven at about 120F. This should be enough to convert the ibotenic acid into muscimol, which is the primary active ingredient.

First experiences: My first experiments were in the 3-5g range and were all-around positive. Some minutes after eating the strips - which had the consistency of chips and a pleasant mushroomy taste - my mood would elevate and I felt somewhat euphoric. For some hours, it felt like I'm having a particularly good day, completely compatible with socializing and everyday activities. No hangover at all.

Curiosity got the best of me and I thought that I want to experience some more. With remaining anxiety, I emptied 8,5g - about a coffee mug full - of dried A. muscaria strips at about 9am. Seemed very much in comparison, but I ate them one after the other. Minutes after the taste left my mouth, I felt somewhat euphoric, as I have experienced before. But I can't exclude that it was in anticipation of the things to come.

At more than 1 hour in, first difference I noticed was that my experience would be accompanied by bodily discomfort. I felt slightly uneasy in the stomach area, and had a minuscule dizzy feeling. I decided to take breakfast, though. Which was a remarkable experience. I never had a breakfast like that. Everything seemed to smell and taste much more intense, having flavors I never noticed. Eating and smelling things is very high up on the list I can recommend.

After that, although not particularly tired, I decided to lie down on my bed. Must have dozed off for some minutes. As I awoke, the dizziness was somewhat stronger, but still very bearable. My visual perception showed first alterations. Light moved through the shadows in the room, like a pale lightning scrolling from left to right.

I decided to get up and leave the house. A natural environment seemed more in place. About 2...3 hours in, the effects culminated. Being in the garden, light and dark parts of my visual field seemed to rapidly change places, pulsating. Colors seemed more intense and whenever I kept looking at something, the colors and structures seemed to get even more vivid and profound the longer I looked.

It was then that someone had the spontaneous brilliant idea of dropping in and asking me to accompany him in order to check out something he wants to buy. Bad idea, I know. Should have flat out refused. But as I entered his car and he started driving, only then I realized how severely my perception of size, speed and time also was influenced. The cars seemed very large, and they were moving so ridiculously slow. Hey, we were moving ridiculously slow too, at a snails pace!
I entered his car and he started driving, only then I realized how severely my perception of size, speed and time also was influenced. The cars seemed very large, and they were moving so ridiculously slow. Hey, we were moving ridiculously slow too, at a snails pace!
Every car approaching us seemed to take ages to reach us. Despite being only a 5 minute drive, it was a small eternity. I counted every crossing, and hoped that the nausea I was now feeling would be manageable and I'm not going to vomit in his car. Behaving „normal“ was difficult and straining at this point, but still possible. Although my capability for giving any kind of advice was very limited. I dreaded getting back on the passenger seat and considered to say I will rather walk. But with my sense of time and space it seemed too daunting.

Finally back home, I sought rest at my computer. Time seemed to crouch. Considering that some describe a trip time of 10...12 hours and I was only 3...4 hours in, I thought that this might take much longer as I want. But soon after, I realized that I'm way over the peak and the effects are already diminishing. At about 4pm, the distortions were gone, size, time and speed appearing normal again.

Only as I got sober again, I realized how inebriated my whole thought process was. My train of thought got clearer by the minute, and was taking up speed. About 12 hours after ingestion, I feel the teensiest bit of dizzyness remaining, but besides that, I'm completely back to normal.

Résumé: Somewhat disappointed that I didn't feel any energy boost or had auditory hallucinations. I had no epiphany or any unusual thoughts. On the other hand, also there was no salivating or muscle twitches. All in all, it was an interesting experience.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104374
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 27, 2023Views: 1,713
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