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Different Mind Than Before
DMT, Sertraline, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   Lady in colors. "Different Mind Than Before: An Experience with DMT, Sertraline, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp104375)". Jul 31, 2019.

  oral Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
    repeated oral Alcohol  
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  1 hit smoked DMT  
My friend Troll and I had made a couple of new friends on one of our adventures. They invited us back to their house, where about 12 others were getting drunk and taking tabs of X. We gladly accepted all the drinks that were offered to us, and slowly made our way to their level. We were all pretty fucked up, bullshitting and talking about drugs, when someone brought up DMT. Troll and I immediately tuned into that conversation, as DMT had been something we were wanting to try. The girls at this house talked about it like it was pot. They proceeded to tell us how they can smoke it everyday, and remain a totally sane, unaffected person. Troll and I were pretty drunk at this point, and so excited about the topic, we neglected to use our own judgement and believed everything they said. We left with an even bigger urge to get our hands on DMT.

Granted, on our walk home we ran into a friend who was visiting town. (And at this point, we were both pretty drunk.
at this point, we were both pretty drunk.
I have a lower tolerance than she does, and we had drank about the same amount...I was a little more tipsy.) He happened to be outside on a cig break, between hitting bowls of DMT. Sure enough we were invited to join inside and kindly accepted the offer.

Our friend loaded the bowl with marijuana, melted the DMT crystals over the top and hit the bong. He proceeded to pass it to us and told us to hit it just like we would a normal bowl of weed. Troll hit it first, and did not take much of a hit. However, her passing the bong to me turned into her really just kind of letting go of it in my lap. It was my turn, my heart was pounding. I'd been waiting to try this for so long. Sure enough, I roasted it like I would a bowl of weed, a solid milky hit. Before I even inhaled it all I felt like my head was going to explode. I blasted off into a different universe, but definitely not the universe I'd hoped for. I remember looking at Troll. On her left shoulder was lightness, on the right shoulder was darkness...darkness being death. I stared death right in the face, and I wasn't able to move my body. I told her in that moment that we were supposed to die together. She laughed, but I was serious. Our trips were going in two different directions. I don't remember most of the other things that I said. She told me I kept asking if I had puked, and/or if I was laying in my puke (I did not puke). She also told me I kept asking for an ambulance.

I had gone into this experience so confident that I could handle it...I'd previously taken a lot of LSD/mushrooms, and even a couple psychedelic research chemicals. I wanted so badly to enjoy the experience, and I tried very hard to convince myself I liked it. It was truthfully the most life-changing thing, in the most negative way. Most people who've smoked DMT will tell me they had an out-of-body experience. That is the part I had been looking forward to. But instead, I was trapped inside my body during my experience. Might you also know at this time I was on Zoloft (sertraline)
I was on Zoloft (sertraline)
, a pharmaceutical anti-depressant. I'd been taking it for about 4 years. I later read taking DMT while on zoloft can be a deadly combo, even though many reports say you cannot die from smoking the Deems.

There were a couple weeks where I got these crazy hallucinogenic panic attacks. I'd all the sudden feel like I couldn't breathe, the walls were closing in on me, and color fractals everywhere. I looked my symptoms up online and [I assume] I was experiencing HPPD (Hallucinogen Perception Persistence Disorder).

No drug has ever been the same since then. I can't even handle weed anymore, and it's been over a year. I can only take a couple puffs of a blunt before I start to feel weird. If I dab, I will get gnarly DMT flashbacks. Something most definitely changed in my brain, my sense of consciousness is much different than it used to be. I feel a bit dissociated from everything. My anxiety has gone through the roof..I've spent the last year or so trying to figure out the correct way to medicate myself. I spent quite some time self-medicating with alcohol.

IMy experience was horrible and I wouldn't want anyone else to have to deal with the after affects I have, this drug is to be taken very seriously! If you take any pharmaceuticals, make sure to do lots of research if you plan on smoking DMT.

[Reported Dose: "7 drinks .5 DMT"]

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 104375
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 1,072
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Post Trip Problems (8), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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