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Blissful Tuning of DMT Frequency
Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT)
Citation:   timeistheE. "Blissful Tuning of DMT Frequency: An Experience with Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT) (exp104507)". Nov 23, 2017.

1 bowl smoked Changa (plant material)
I knew a lot about the powerful effect of dmt and I waited a long time for it. My friends had some changa and they wanted to share with us this beautiful experience.

I charge the pipe with the changa leafs and then start. My friends were all around and near me. As I finished toking my friend touches my head dearly and said 'have a good trip'.

+ 0.00 I hold the smoke inside and lay myself down. As soon as my head touches the ground I am shifted to another state of being. I begin to see a perfect kaleidoscopic pattern, pleasantly blue and orange, just in front of my closed eyelids.

I could hear pleasant whispers passing from one side to the other of my body saying something uncomprehensible. Overwhelming. Are those truly voices? Are these kind of voices frequencies from another dimensions or higher frequencies we cannot perceive in every day states of consciousness?

The Kaleidoscopic vision was light blue and light orange and my body was melting with the earth. I was one with the universe and this kaleidoscopic vision. There was ambient music in the background blessing it all.

Are these kind of voices frequencies from another dimensions or higher frequencies we cannot perceive in every day states of consciousness? Am I receiving a message? Is it someone whispering? Will they show themselves?

As soon as these thoughts take over my leg starts to tremble. A reassuring head caress and tightens my leg as it wanted to tell me that everything is just going good, I am not alone with my trip, I can go on and I am protected in this cosmic reality. My friends are there. I smile, breathe and go back into the kaleidoscopic flow. I don't need to question. It is so beautiful to experience.

All of a sudden the kaleidoscope vision opens its self from the center to outside like a theater curtain. I see light and then slowly becoming light blue. Was it another reality? Another place?
Was it another reality? Another place?
I slowly lift my head and I see two glowing guys changing shapes and doing slackline.

I turn my head and I see the most beautiful colors and the most beautiful flowers. The feeling I got into that cosmic garden was blissfully indescribable. Everything around me and in that garden was shining of pure light, all I saw was in true high quality. Never seen such vivid colors and vivid shapes and such a beautiful movie, those blades of grass and flowers waving in front of my eyes. I can see my arm. I have a tattoo on the inner side of my arm, written - have you got it, yet? - on it. The letters were waving smoothly. All flowing, the letters, the flowers, the music, and some of the people I could see, as effect starts to fade down.

I look at my friends and I realize they were not so close as I thought. They were too far away and too busy to enjoy themselves to notice the imperceptible quiver of my leg and to know I was getting anxious and I had to be reassured.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 104507
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 23, 2017Views: 1,819
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Changa (816) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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