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Almost Perfect but Unfortunately Not
Citation:   Redsky1991. "Almost Perfect but Unfortunately Not: An Experience with Adrafinil (exp104508)". Apr 30, 2019.

600-1200 mg oral Adrafinil
This drug is unlike anything else. I was having hard times to do all the assignments in college so I look online for solutions.

First day, started with 600mg on an empty stomach, I started doing laundry (nothing yet) and hour later I felt the motive to do things I have been wanting to do for a while. I started off doing my homework, during the time on adrafinil time goes by so fast. I was doing all my assignments at once I did not even notice the time. I never got bored of doing challenging math problems. On the contrary it was kinda fun.

Second day, started with 1200 on an empty stomach. It was simply beautiful. I was calm nothing can bother me anymore, I went for a walk I can see things differently, taking a deep breath. At this stage I felt that my mood has changed to the better. This is the limit of Adrafinil. I went to school and for the first time I have found school interesting.

I continued taking Adrafinil for 4 weeks. And it was a mistake. I have been having bruises all over my body. And orgasms in my sleep so I had to stop. But the withdrawal effect were horrible. Yes Adrafinil comes with withdrawal effect. Second day off it started vomiting, nausea, depression.

So stay away

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104508
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 30, 2019Views: 3,102
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