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Heimia salicifolia & Heimia myrtifolia
Citation:   nobody. "Sedation: An Experience with Heimia salicifolia & Heimia myrtifolia (exp104646)". Nov 22, 2017.

  oral Heimia salicifolia (fresh)
    oral Heimia myrtifolia (fresh)
I encountered heimia myrtifolia and heimia salicifolia in an ethnobotanical garden. My mindset was slightly anxious as I had a multitude of things to do on that day. I stayed in the garden after consuming roughly a small handful of leaves from each plant. I had eaten previously in the day.

I sat in the garden and admired all the life. Around 45 minutes later I started feeling a little sedated and content; I no longer cared about the things I 'had' to do that day. I started feeling kind of aloof - I wasn't taking things seriously. I found humor in mundane thoughts.

Soon I started feeling sleepy so I took a nap on a bench. I woke up with no lingering effects.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104646
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 22, 2017Views: 1,784
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Heimia salicifolia (150), Heimia myrtifolia (333) : General (1), Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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