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Mild Visuals Overall Pleasant
Morning Glory
Citation:   Jack K. "Mild Visuals Overall Pleasant: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp104662)". Erowid.org. Mar 6, 2021. erowid.org/exp/104662

280 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
Regular users of marijuana and occasionally of MDMA, the wife and I decided to try something a bit more psychedelic. Unable to get mushrooms or LSD in our area, I stumbled upon LSA in my research and decided to give it a try.

I got several packets of organic, pesticide free Heavenly Blue morning glory seeds at my local garden store, counted out our doses, and ground them separately in an all-steel pepper mill. This produced a fine powder with a slight tendency to clump, and it was mixed in chocolate pudding for my wife, while I took mine in vanilla yogurt. We settled down to play cards and wait for it to hit.

After about 45 minutes, my wife began getting terrible nausea and stomach cramps. Being forewarned by our research, she smoked some weed and laid down.

Meanwhile, at t+1 hour, I began to feel fluttery. This settled into a feeling of general satisfaction that persisted through the rest of the trip.

Shortly before t+2 hours I began to notice mild visuals. No overt hallucinations, but disturbances in the form of existing objects. Walls would slowly warp in spirals and the carpet seemed to be undulating like ocean waved. Also about this time I began to have an obsessive desire for nachos.

I knew driving was out of the question so I put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket, and after checking on my wife (no more cramps, but absolutely no effects) I headed out the door.

It was about midnight in early summer, and with my first breath of outside air I felt giddy. It was exhilarating. I usually have a little fear of the dark, but it was completely gone. I felt like a part of the night, not a stranger moving through it. I set off down the road with a spring in my step.

At least, I thought I had a spring in my step. It took nearly an hour for me to cover the 3/4 mile to the gas station. I was walking a LOT slower than I thought, or experiencing some time dilation. My depth perception was also way off, but not in a debilitating way. I could sense close things just fine, and had no trouble grabbing items in the store, but at a distance it was completely impossible to tell just how far away something was.

On the way home, I stopped at a street because I saw a car coming. I waited. I waited some more. I started timing it on my watch. A minute and 17 seconds later the car finally passed me. The speed limit on that road is 45 mph, so it was probably over a mile away when I first noticed it and it seemed too close to safely cross the street.

I made it home around t+4 hours. The visuals had settled to slight disturbances of texture, and the exhilaration had passed, settling gently back into a general feeling of satisfaction. At t+5 hours I was nearly back at baseline and went to sleep.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 104662
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Mar 6, 2021Views: 568
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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