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Everything Was Great
Citation:   65daysofstatic. "Everything Was Great: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp104679)". Jan 30, 2023.

T+ 0:00
5 mg insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem
  T+ 0:10 5 mg insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem
  T+ 1:15 20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem
  T+ 1:40 10 mg insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem
  T+ 1:40 10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem
Insomnia and Zolpidem

I have been experiencing extreme insomnia since I have returned from Afghanistan in '11. This insomnia is the effects of PTSD and flashbacks from the time I spent overseas. Fast forward to a month or so ago. I went to the doctor to talk about my sleeping problems with HOPES that something would be prescribed because at times I would not even wake up for work because I hadn't slept in a day or so, and I would just fall into a deep slumber.

So, I go to the doctor and explain what has been going on. He quickly, without hesitation prescribes me 5MG of Zolpidem. He says ' ONLY take 2. If you are having trouble sleeping still DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN 2' and of course I agree with him, and I'm off to get my prescription.

Friday Night.

9:00PM - I am in my room, lights off. My MacBook is playing a Spotify playlist set for relaxation and deep mental focus. The song that is playing is 'Heat Death Infinity Splitter' By - 65daysofstatic. I light two candles I have above my bed on the head board for some ambient lighting.

9:15PM - I began to get into some sleeping clothes, and try to relax a bit before jumping right into my zolpidem.

9:25PM - Gave up on trying to fall asleep by my own will and opened my prescription and poured the pills out onto my night stand. I must have had about 30. I did not know much about this prescription so I hopped on the magical google and started reading experiences from taking Zolpidem.

9:40PM - I immediately crush two 5MG tablets and set the rest aside to gauge my tolerance. BAD IDEA! haha I did not know they would burn so much. after the first line I grab my face in pain, It was quite like snorting ecstasy. I gave it some time to kick in before proceeding.

9:50PM - I start to experience heavy euphoria, I felt weightless. I snorted the other tablet without hesitation.

10:15PM - At this time I lay down and I feel extremely calm. The playlist in the background is too perfect for what I am experiencing. I have tried assortments of drugs, and I have to say that this is one of the most unique experiences.

10:30PM - I am lost in my thoughts and the music. My body is connecting with the drugs and the setting. I still feel euphoric and weightless, and slowly I start to see trails from the candlelights reflection on the walls when I go to get up.

I sit up in my bed and turn to my night stand. I begin a text and as soon as I press a letter, it shoots light towards my face like it was coming out of the screen. at first it freaked my out, but after awhile I was just sending my self text messages to experience the trails.

10:45PM - Still sitting up in bed, I dump out my prescription and begin to lay them out in uniform order like you would with skittles to try to separate colors. at this time I am extremely 'outside' of my body. I can almost watch myself from above as I separate tablets like a mathemation. Lights still stream with vividness when I blink or turn quickly. I find that when I move my head around slowly everything is fluid.

10:55PM - I decide that I want to see if there is a 'Peak' with this drug, so without thinking I went ahead and chewed 4 more tablets. This was also a horrible idea, but I administered rather quickly into my bloodstream.

11:00PM - I cannot begin to explain what I am feeling. It feels like MDMA without the 'speedy' high. It also feels like I am controlling my body as a puppeteer, my legs don't feel connected, as for my arms....they just move by themselves. I am floating on this high.

11:20PM - the high is still there but slightly level. I decided to snort 2 more and chew 2 more. this time I CANNOT feel them being snorted, and My taste is skewed.

11:25PM - I look down on my night stand and stare at the rest of my uniformed tablets, all in line perfectly spaced from one another, and I notice that some where flipped over with no marking showing. I begin to look harder at them and It seems they are 'flipping' themselves this point I am kinda freaked out, so I start to record what I am seeing with my phone so I could check in the morning. I also start to handle the candle that is lit stare deeply into the dancing flame.

It seems as the flame is moving to the rhythm of my music and my body starts to sway with the tune. This is great. I feel 'comfortably Numb' as pink floyd would say. My worries, My anxiety, PTSD, you name it....they are all gone while I'm in the sedated trance. It is just unspeakable.

11:45PM - I put the candle down finally and lay back in bed. throw my headphones on my head and turn the music up as loud as I can. after about 15 minutes of listening and connecting with my thoughts my body feels like it has left. I feel like an entity in bed waiting for someone to put me back together. But I don't want to be. I want to just lay, and forget everything.

06:00AM - I do not remember falling asleep, nor do I remember taking as many Zolpidem as I did right away. My candle was completely burnt out, and computer was dead. I did not have a headache or a 'come down' it was a just a clean awakening. I go into the bathroom to take a piss and I hear the water on. I do not remember leaving the water on...also my tooth brush was on the side of the sink and not in the cup.

I also had not flushed the toilet. and the toilet paper was on the holder. I do not remember doing this. I got kinda weirded out by this so I checked my phone remembering I had taken 'Proof' and I apparently took 79 pictures of the candle/tablets also I took a 5min video of the tablets just sitting on my night stand. not moving. nothing.

I had an awesome experience with Zolpidem, and will endeavor with this experience again very shortly.

The memory loss is something I do not like from this experience. but that is the only CON I can provide.

everything was great.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104679
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jan 30, 2023Views: 317
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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