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Life Weavers of a Serpent Being
Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT)
by Miki
Citation:   Miki. "Life Weavers of a Serpent Being: An Experience with Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT) (exp104790)". May 4, 2017.

1 bowl smoked Changa (plant material)
It was a warm Summer night, New Year's Eve, a close friend and I were camping out in the bushes by a beautiful river, sitting inside a cosy tent, where I had my first DMT breakthrough. My friend had his trip first, and it didn't seem too comfortable for him. He came out of the trip urging me not to do it, and warning me of the fear he felt, but I was determined to try it. So I did.

I inhaled the harsh plastic scented smoke, I breathed in and in until I could breathe in no longer.
I saw fire straight away, explosive bright wonderful sparks of fire before my closed eyes. And when I opened my eyes the tent walls were crawling with hexagonal patterns. Like moving magical snake skin.
Then I closed my eyes again and I was suddenly there. Everything was so detailed and intricate and mind blowingly beautiful I couldn't possibly recreate it on paper with paints like I planned to do. All I knew is I'd been there before.
All I knew is I'd been there before.
It was so beautifully familiar like cogs of clockwork working together to form a life. But not cogs or clockwork at all- beings. Beings unlike anyone has described or depicted before. And they were all working together, they all had their place and their reason. All putting the pieces where they should be. Working together to form the fabric of life, and I was an onlooker whom they welcomed back without words.

It was a beautiful and free feeling. All these beings were working to produce a life, and then I saw the life being born in the form of an animal that I'd never seen before, it resembled a large snake. It was opening its eyes, being born, achieving life that these beings had just made for it. Inside its brain lit up and its eyes opened and it came alive because of these life weavers.

The feeling was astounding. I was home, I knew I'd been here before and I knew I belonged. I felt unconditional love, calm and peace. I came out of the trip ecstatic and enlightened, and very happy, reflective, and joyous for days after.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104790
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: May 4, 2017Views: 2,200
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Chanting (456), Changa (816) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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