Initial Impressions
by Shed
Citation:   Shed. "Initial Impressions: An Experience with GVL (exp10480)". Nov 8, 2001.

2.5 ml oral GVL (liquid)
Well, a couple of days ago I posted a message to alt.drugs.ghb asking about Tranquilli-G. It arrived today; I took about 2.5mL after working from 5:30a.m til' 2:00p.m. Before I took it I was feeling agitated achy, and tired. It took about 20 min. and I felt something, not excatly sure, but it felt good, I drifted off to sleep and slept for about an hour or so and woke up feeling fairly good. (usually after an afternoon nap I wake up feeling terrible.) So it had some effect on me other than sleepiness. It took some of my aches and pains away before falling asleep also.

I continued to use the Tranquilli-G and found it to be fairly weak. Although it did definately do something, made ne feel mildly relaxed and helped me sleep.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10480
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 8, 2001Views: 16,569
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