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Many Beautiful Worlds
Citation:   Hologram of Baal. "Many Beautiful Worlds: An Experience with LSD (exp104804)". Jan 17, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I’m writing this trip report now because although a lot of time (almost a year) has elapsed since my one & only experience with LSD, I’m still processing the experience and I think providing a narrative of my experiences could definitely be of use to some potential trippers.

My trip took place sometime around January or February of 2014. Prior to this trip I had minimal experience with drugs—only cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana (which I smoked about 3 days a week and enjoyed quite a bit although it hadn’t really provided any profound insights). I was beyond excited to try LSD, although in retrospect I wish I had had some sort of goal for my acid experience
I was beyond excited to try LSD, although in retrospect I wish I had had some sort of goal for my acid experience
(rather than just wanting to see pretty visuals)…by the time I actually got a hold of it, I was elated. I bought 2 tabs, and I intended to trip with a friend (we’ll call her J), so the intention was only to consume 1 tab. J picked me up from my dorm around 5 pm along with my other friends JO and K, and as it was snowing and there was a lot of traffic on the way to her apartment, I ended up dosing with 1 tab (I really have no idea how much LSD was actually on each tab) around 5:30 p.m. in her car.

By the time we got to her apartment, it was around 5:45 and anticipation had set in. I sat on the couch for a while waiting for some kind of effect to set in. I knew that it took anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour for the trip to begin, but within an hour the only effect I had noticed was that lights had a magnified intensity and would sometimes trail across my vision. I asked J if she would be fine with me taking the other tab because I didn’t want to waste the experience on such a mild dosage. J said it was okay, although I still feel a little bad that she didn’t get to trip with me that night. I took the other tab and sat back down on the couch. (I was super cautious about trying to ingest all of the LSD that I could, I so would leave the tabs under my tongue for as long as I possibly could and then I would chew them up and swallow). I played with J’s cat as J, JO, K, and S (another friend) all sat around and began playing video games. J’s cat was way too into the toy I was playing with her with, and all of a sudden she leapt up and scratched right across the middle of my face. Significantly (I think), I didn’t feel the least bit upset over this development—I was bleeding right down the center of my face and had a pretty nasty scratch, but I couldn’t find it in me to be upset or stress myself out over it.

I went to the bathroom to clean up my face, and it was then that the trip really set in. I began to stare down at the bathroom sink, and suddenly the marble began to ripple. I was captivated—I looked up, and the lights above the mirror seemed to be pulsating. They had a warm, bright, white energy. J had a painting of a corgi behind the toilet, and as I looked at it I felt the painting burst into life and began to feel very seriously that the corgi was a real character living in J’s bathroom. I felt overwhelmed—happy, definitely, but overwhelmed by the new sensory input and like I was being granted a very special privilege by being allowed to access these visions. I heard talking outside the bathroom and knew that I should probably go back out and join my friends, but I didn’t want to leave because I felt so warm and sweet and secure in the little yellow bathroom. K eventually came to get me, and I tried to make her stand in the bathroom with me to stare at the lights, which only made her frustrated b/c she couldn’t perceive any of the same things as me (it must have been horribly boring for her). She convinced me to leave, and J and JO told me that I’d been standing in the bathroom for almost an hour. That was a surprise. I knew LSD could alter your perception of time, but I was amazed that I’d been so immersed in those visuals that I’d allowed myself to stand there for so long.

I tried to experiment with closed eye visuals for awhile, but they were much less captivating to me than open eyed ones. I don’t really think that the visuals I experienced were extraordinary along the spectrum of things you can perceive under the influence of LSD, but they were still intensely and overwhelmingly beautiful. I found that with enough concentration, I could influence the colors of the walls, although throughout most of the trip everything had an electric pink or purplish hue with occasional flashes of red. Dimensions shifted—the ground no longer seemed flat, and everything took on a more cartoonish shape but still seemed perfectly simple to navigate. The walls didn’t “breathe” per se, but they (along with the carpet) were covered in swirling geometric patterns that I devoted a lot of the trip to contemplating. At several points throughout the trip, I would feel so overcome with happiness that I’d start to cry, which I think was upsetting/alarming to my friends…I couldn’t really find the words at the time to explain to them that I was only crying because everything was so perfect and magical. It sounds trite trying to explain it now, but that’s really how I felt at the time—that everything was perfect, that I had a pure soul and I was capable of conjuring up beautiful worlds and that there really was a strong benevolent force at work in the universe.

This was around the time of the Olympics, so S put on men’s figure skating. Yuzuru Hanyu was skating. I wasn’t that interested in the TV, but I was amazed by how much emotion he was able to convey through his movements. I started thinking about the desert, and how I wished I could be out somewhere in the heat on a wide open space and really feel the immensity of everything. My friends and I decided to go outside to smoke cigarettes (I’ve since given up smoking), and I was glad to have a chance to experience the outdoors even though it was just for a fraction of the trip. It was the middle of the night, but the sky looked hot pink and the snow was intensely reflective and crystalline. My cigarette tasted sweet, much sweeter than a cigarette should taste.

The rest of the night was essentially spent dawdling about. Eventually, all my friends went to bed…because I’d dosed relatively late, I wasn’t able to fall asleep until around 6 a.m. This was the more unpleasant part of the trip. I felt uncomfortable being left alone, but I felt bad vocalizing that to anyone (they needed their sleep!), so I allowed myself to be left out in a dark room by myself. I tried listening to music (Björk), but frankly it sounded scary and by that point I just wanted to be able to fall asleep. I began to panic a little bit, because I was really uncomfortable with not being able to read things properly or immediately grasp their meaning. I did eventually fall asleep, and the next day I felt totally normal again. However, I had a really unpleasant experience that following day involving way too much weed and a subsequent panic attack. I think this was the result of way too much caffeine + weed and not LSD.

I don’t intend to drop acid again. I had a really positive and uplifting experience, and I don’t want to mar that by risking a bad trip. I’m also really frightened of research chemicals—a boy from my high school recently died from NBOME, so I definitely advise anyone who wants to do LSD to buy a testing kit and try to ensure that they’re actually taking the drug they intend to take. I do wish I had experienced some more profound insights or had enacted a more spiritual mentality during the time of my trip, but I can say that the effects I did experience have lingered with me and I feel lucky to have had the experience. I definitely intend to do shrooms sometime in the future, but I want to make sure I’m in the right headspace before doing that.

I would try to dose early on (not in the late afternoon or at night) ; eat beforehand, but eat healthy and light ; have a trip sitter, preferably someone who has experience w/ psychedelics ; and try to go outside for a little.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104804
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 17, 2021Views: 605
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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