It Was Moving at the Perfect Speed
Citation:   SalamanderJones. "It Was Moving at the Perfect Speed: An Experience with DMT (exp104835)". Jan 17, 2021.

1 hit smoked DMT
The DMT Dimension My Breakthrough Trip

I'll start by briefly explaining my level of experience with psychedelics at the time, and I'll try to paint my frame of mind going into the trip. I've experienced medium strong doses of both LSD and Psychedelic Mushrooms in the past, as well as Salvia Divinorum and a few others, and am thus familiar with the 'other side'.

For a long while I've been researching psychedelics and the mysteries of the mind, humans and the universe, and while my experiences dont let me draw any conclusions on the big questions, I can say that I've discovered places and things that proved to me beyond doubt that there are seperate realities that may or may not overlap with each other. To me it seems that we're limited to these 3 dimensions in everyday life, but altered states of consciousness (certain drugs,lucid dreaming, astral projecting, sensory deprivation, meditation) seem to enable us to access different places. I was already under this impression before I took the DMT, but I've never completely broken through to the other side, and didnt really know what to expect. I think I kind of approached it with an idealised concept of what it would be like, having only heard from other peoples experiences. Anyways

I got the DMT at a well known outdoor festival in British Columbia from a guy I met while I was tripping on acid. We talked for a while, he explained to me that he was a chemist and made it himself, and gave me some in exchange for some nitrous and a few joints. He told me that he gave me about 4 hits of pure stuff, and recommended how I smoke it. I held onto it for a while after the festival, waiting I guess for the right place and time. I was travelling with 2 close friends at the time, and we had been camping randomly in different spots in the forest, just off of hiking trails and such.

One night, after setting up our tent in a spot that somebody had showed us, we decided to do it. We had our tent set up under a small canyon, on a flat of rock right beside a decent stream. The stream was noisy, as streams are expected to be, and aside from that it was silent. I was set up in the tent so that I could smoke it and lay back in darkness, gazing at the silhouettes of the treetops and the night sky. We had all agreed to keep perfectly silent during each other's trip, and we decided to take turns with it. I was last to smoke it, but I definately got the biggest toke out of us 3. I'm a heavy pot smoker so I know how to take a really really big toke, and I basically took the biggest toke I could possibly take, and then some. The effects began instantly.

First I noticed a sensation in my head that made it feel like it was wet, and that hundreds of small almost electric pinpoints were being pressed upon me. This feeling was very intense, and I became scared that the drug would somehow damage me, and/or that I've taken too much, etc..-but I know logically that DMT is harmless, so I tell myself to completely let go and not be afraid of what I might find. Nothing could have prepared me for the bizarreness, beauty, and udder impossibility of that experience.

As I put the pipe down and laid back onto my cot, seeing the treetops and sky through the top of my tent, my third eye began to open up. At first, a few long planes of geomery and colour began to form and swirl at a seamless, constant rate. Next, the planes (almost like fields) of geometry and color began to touch each other, and they would begin to blossom and spiral out of the point where they met. I've heard DMT desrcibed as looking up in a citadel ceiling, with the arcs and such... I'm assuming thats what they were talking about. However, it was unbelievably detailed, coloured and ever moving at a constant and seamless, impossible speed. It was not fast, nor slow, but right in the middle. The only way to describe it is to say it was moving at the perfect speed.

After this happened, I think I dived into one of the ever growing, spiraling knots of geometry, and a whole other universe opened up. There was no up or down or sides, the space was infinite yet defined, and there were different living entities moving back and forth in either direction, completely ignoring me. I can relate the vibe of this place to the vibe of a shopping mall. Everybody is kind of doing their own thing and moving about in their own way-same thing here, except there were no people. Instead there were floating pac man like figures, polka dotted surfaces of light, and just crazy shit happening everywhere. I couldn't fucking believe it. There were thousands of alien entities here most of which I wont even try to describe, just basically living some kind of multi dimensional life. I was a visitor in their world, clearly lost and just stupid with astonishment and awe, and they recognized that-although they pretty much completely ignored me. (Probably a good time to state that at this point I did not have a body, or even an identity. I was literally just a conscious spectator to all these fucking weird happenings.) I cannot even begin to describe the things that I saw. The shapes, patterns, colors and living-but non biological forms of life somehow seemed to wander this impossible space. Everything was constantly changing, and at the same 'perfect' speed as it had always been. The entire experience was extremely fleeting, and I found myself wanting to focus on something, but because everything was perfectly moving and infinitely beautiful I found it impossibly hard to do. I experienced this dimension... Moving constantly and seeing literally millions of things happening, none of which can be described in physical terms. For a few moments of timeless infinity.

I felt that it was obvious that everything that was happening in this universe would only happen once/infinitely. At one point, I made an extra struggle to focus on something that started out as an abstract but symmetrical shape (it was also very colourful, but predominately red tones). As I focused on it, I noticed it was conscious, and it noticed me looking at it. At that point the shape turned around in three dimensional space, and revealed a face that looked like some sort of dragon-cat like entity, with big crazy eyes and no body, just totally stoked to see me. It looked me deep into my perception (impossible to say eyes at this point) and made a face at me-opening its eyes up bigger than possible and sticking out his tongue, which grew in space as it came towards me at that perfect speed. The dragon-cat entity seemed to just be trying to trip me out, almost making fun of my situation. The fleetingness and ever expanding details disallow me from telling you what the rest of my experience was like, but it was literally unbelievable. Before long, the geometry kind of took back over and gradually eased me into sobriety, still colours and shapes moving seamlessly at a perfect speed.

This entire experience took place while I was (physically) in the tent lying on my bed, and throughout the experience I was aware of this fact, and could actually open my eyes to see that, while simultaneously seeing all this crazy shit happen right before me. The only way to describe it was that I was seeing out of my third eye.

That entire dimension had really existed, but so had the 'real world', only now I could actually perceive the other side. But then it left me and I was back like nothing happened. Full on breakthrough, yet I still feel like I'm not even scratching the surface. This is uncharted, unchartable land.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104835
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 17, 2021Views: 569
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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