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Really Clean Disassociation
Citation:   AMA_Dragon. "Really Clean Disassociation: An Experience with Memantine (exp104847)". Feb 18, 2020.

T+ 0:00
65 mg oral Pharms - Memantine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:57   joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 3:01 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Disassociation with namenda

Today is 11-10-2014. I am a 150 Lb male in good health, not taking any medications or supplements. I recently came acrost some 5 mg Namenda (Mamantine) pills. After some research showing that they were indeed psychoactive I decided to eat them and see what happens. I know they are a dissassociatve, and I have alot of experince with DXM (around 20-25 trips, ~3/5ths of which were 3rd platuea or higher) I consume these pills on an empty stomach. There is also very limited information on this substance, particularly recreational use. I decided to write up this report to do my part for the responsable drug using population.

EDIT(+15:56) I just found out the pills expired almost 5.5 months ago. That might explain the weak effect I seem to have gotten from them.

4pm (+0:00) I swallow all the pills at once. There are 13 of them totaling 65 Mg of Memantine.
4:12PM (+0:12) depart for the dollar store to pick up some clove cigarettes

4:57pm(+0:57) arrive back home with cigarettes and some placebo effects. Barely detectable but still might be something. Its worth noting I dont smoke tobacco but once in a blue moon.

5:15pm(+1:15) I feel a slight buzz, and a little like dxm, disassociating slightly VERY minimal stuff

5:47pm(+1:47) I feel like I've just come down from a dxm trip, a little bit dissassociatied, and buzzy, but manageable. I can still type and thing, though typing takes a /bit/ more concentration

6:31(+2:31) eating dinner and I feel like I ate 200 MG DXM, but without the nausea and food is still easy to eat

7:01PM(+3:00) I smoked a bowl of some high quality cannabis, and a few drags on a clove cigar. Launching me into a trippy headspace. Right now I'm sitting in a highly active visual environment. Stuffs not moving on the keyboard, but it is strobing hard. FUCK. I literally just fell like I'm tubling sideways. That just hit all of a sudden while I was writing.but I can see alot of colorful visual patterns, (btter than DXM 2nd plat) I'm going to bed now to lay down, I will make another entry later in the report about what transpires.

(+3:01 - ~+7:00) I strip naked (tis how I sleep) and lay in my bed. I have felt no nausea this whole trip, which is nice, and the whole trip seems to feel really clean. When my eyes are open I can still see the CEVs but they are clear and see through, but still vivid and colorful. My vision strobes at about 60 Htz the refresh rate of my monitor. That weed has made the trip really vivid, all the visuals are really strong, and they taper off with the weed high. My body feels like it does on a low 2nd DXM trip, feeling a bit weird and dissassociated. But I enjoy that feeling alot, so its welcomed, and only serves to increase the intensity and awesomeness of the trip. My brain still seems more lucid than DXM but also, if I let my mind wander it does so easily, still giving me plenty of vivid visuals and such. After a few hours of listening to music and halfway tripping/sleeping, I shut off the music and roll over to fall asleep.

7:41am(+15:41) I woke up about an hour ago, and laid in my bed, feeling pretty much sober from the night before. Once I got up, I felt some slight dissassociation again, but nowhere near as strong as I had been expecting. I am pretty sober, ill prolly be back to base line by 6pm tonight, based on how I feel right now.

8:58am(+16:58) still hard to focus on stuff instantly, I usually have to stare at something for a few seconds to focus on it. This doesnt seem to be a problem until what I'm looking at is about 10+ feet away. Other than that its slight double vision. I have no problem looking at a screen or talking with people, I'm relatively unintoxicated.

1:17pm(+21:17) can still feel the buzz a bit, but otherwise I'm back to baseline. I don't expect it to last through the night.

Overall it was a good trip, but if I had to work or go to school the next day I think it might be best to wait until the weekend. I will be seeking out more of this substance for further testing at a later date.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104847
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 18, 2020Views: 4,249
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Pharms - Memantine (309) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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