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Burning Alive
Citation:   Spacecat. "Burning Alive: An Experience with MDMA & DXM (exp104865)". Jan 20, 2022.

  oral DXM
  200 mg oral MDMA
  100 mg oral MDMA
    inhaled Nitrous Oxide
This is about the night I almost died.

I had been sick for a week before a music festival and had been taking a medication with DXM as a main ingredient all week. This continued up through the day of the festival and right before we left to go to the festival. While at EDC I took .2 and then later another .1 of high purity MDMA. Needless to say I was very high. I was having the time of my life and everything seemed perfect.

All of that changed in the cab home. I was sitting there slightly antsy to get back to the hotel when all of a sudden my jaw locked up. I suddenly found it difficult to breathe and the rest of my body locked up like my jaw. My eyes went black for a couple seconds and I could feel a pain in the back of my head when I came back too. I was then able to breathe again.
My eyes went black for a couple seconds and I could feel a pain in the back of my head when I came back too. I was then able to breathe again.
I sat there silently and confused until we got back to the hotel. Once out of the cab I told my friends what had occurred. I just kept repeating something is wrong. They assured me it was probably a mild anxiety attack. While in the cab another car almost side swept us. I was on a lot of MDMA for someone my size so I decided that this could have been a logical explanation.

I decided to try and do a couple hits of nitrous to try and relax. This only made my breathing trouble return. I felt a weird pain in my head again, a gnawing burning feeling. I remember fumbling through my suitcase looking for my thermometer. I kept saying that I was sick and I wanted to take my temperature, but I was too confused to find it and gave up.

My friends eventually were tired and went to bed. I could not sleep. At some point I began to hallucinate strongly. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I went from normal to seeing people that werent there. The mirror on the wall looked like a portal to hell. Demons and monsters were crawling out of it. I could see men looking into our hotel room through the window. There were cockroaches crawling all over me. Inside me I felt a burning. Like my insides were on fire. My brain felt as if it was melting. I was in so much pain. I was having shaking fits. I was struggling to breathe. It took all my focus to keep gasping for air. I wanted to call for help, but couldnt. I was too weak and too stricken with fear. This lasted for what I estimated the next day to be six hours. My friends eventually woke up and I was still mildly hallucinating and delirious. My boyfriend held me and calmed me down. My pupils were still large and I was drenched in sweat. He said I felt hot to the touch as if I was running a fever.

After a while I calmed down. I decided to do some research to see what couldve caused that weird trip and reaction. I have never had a problem with molly before. I then learned that MDMA when mixed with DXM can be extrememly dangerous and life threatening.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104865
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 20, 2022Views: 439
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MDMA (3) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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