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New Found Funhouse
Citation:   CrazyRache. "New Found Funhouse: An Experience with AMT (exp104872)". Jan 12, 2021.

  smoked Cannabis
    smoked AMT
Rachel’s first tripping experience

It initially started off as a chilled night. The plan was one or two beers, a friendly game of pool then perhaps a small spliff to close the evening. Everything was going to plan then the conversation made a turn to the subject of drugs. The boys were reminiscing; funny stories being thrown left, right and centre, which tempted them to sample some AMT… why not? The best nights are always those unplanned. So the journey to Connor's room began.

At this moment I was still happy hanging out with Mary Jane… then we ran out of weed. It was fun to watch the boys bounce around, eyeballing the room with such excitement, I was still pretty awake and wasn’t ready to clock off. So when the time came for them to savour a bit more smoke I thought fuck it, they look like they’re having a great time, give us a taste!

After a couple of shots things became curiously amusing, my head was light, my legs tingling and I felt like a ‘vibrating chair’. Luis was in trouble because his neck would not stop being painful, he was focused on one thing only… getting comfortable. Luis was testing out various positions. At one point I turned around to find him lying on the floor with his legs on the bed, like a tipped over bench, we thought we’d join him on this bench so all three of us were lying on the floor, in the dark, on an invisible tipped up bench… completely bizarre! Soon after Luis announced, ‘guys, this is the comfiest I have ever been’, the situation was sorted.

Music moved to a whole different dimension, I had so much more appreciation for sound, in particular Paolo Nutini, time would pass and we would just lie absorbed in the music, it was awesome. At this point, half of Connor's face started to beat, which made me pretty nervous but my eyes rolled around the room to discover it was all beating, the dark colours would rise away from the light.. pretty amusing.

Stuff went missing all the time. It was a mission to find a light, but we always did. Going to the toilet was a complete adventure too, the corridor was twisting and turning. The halls of residence had turned into a fucking fun house! So this tripping experience was going very well, I was having a splendid time!

More guests arrived, which was great at first but then we had another jay and things began to turn east. We’d been bouncing all night and I had no idea how much of what I’d consumed, what started off as a little taste had turned into a full all you can eat buffet and that last joint tipped me over the edge. My mind was fucked. I was sat in a corner trying to figure out what was going on. It was like I was watching a film… I was out of my body and realizing everything after it had happened (I was 2 minutes behind everyone else). If I focused on one thing I would understand what that object was and what it was doing but everything around it would just get lost. It was pretty scary and confusing, but the worst was yet to come.

I was nervous that there were people in the room who weren’t tripping and after over 28 hours of no sleep I decided it was time for me to clock off and get rid of this freaky feeling. If I thought getting to the toilet was an adventure, then getting to my room was a sodding expedition. Simple tasks I just couldn’t do, like filling up my water bottle, Steve was really confused. I was out of my body, seeing everything from above, it was horrible. Steve had calmed me down and was talking to me but I think I forgot to blink because after a while there were bloody scratches all over his face and the room, so I closed my eyes, reminding myself I was fucked, and slowly opened them again to find half his face like a zombie clown! (maybe it was his curly hair .. I’m not too sure?) Steve pondered away back to the night (which was now mid day) and I had to sleep this off. But that was not happening. My body was tired but my eyes still wide awake, would this please finish!

Because I recently had a lecture on nerve neurons deep down my brain knew what was happening, this chemical had just fucked up my receptors, delaying my responses… I think I tried to explain this to Steve at one point, which was a joke and a half; my voice was making no sense. Anyway, whenever my mind started to gander I would try and explain to myself what was going on, but it got a bit too much. I was shaking and my heart started to beat ridiculously fast. I needed to find someone to calm me down. Dangerous as it was, I went out my room to find some help. My pal Lauren was the closest nock nock no answer… ‘shit who else won’t judge? Cael!’ Stumbling to his room I banged on his door… no answer… everyone was in fucking lectures! I heard noise in the kitchen, at this point my body was still rippling, I could only see one thing at a time, the rest was turning. I was desperate and didn’t really give a fuck what anyone thought, I just needed someone to fix this. So I fell into the kitchen, my body acting before my brain. Only 2 people were there, as lovely as they are, they were no help at all. I don’t think they’ve popped paracetamol let alone the shit I’d taken… oh dear. ‘Where now, maybe the guys are still awake?’ nocked on Connor's door (yes an answer!). I babbled “help I’m having a panic attack! I don’t know what to do! How do I stop this?” What a fucking state!

To be honest there was nothing they could do I just had to wait for this to end so back to my room. Back to that small, cramped, lonely bed. Brilliant. I settled for some classical music, nothing too sad to scare me but something that would relax and send me to sleep. This went well… for about 2 minutes. Then I started to sweat, I was drenched, my T-shirt ringing… how disgusting!
My teeth started to chatter like crazy. I didn’t realize this for a while, but I remember thinking… I don’t want to wake up with no teeth, so I chewed on my fingers. Then I remember thinking, I don’t want to wake up having eaten my own fingers, so I found a sock to chew on; I hope to god it wasn’t dirty (haven’t checked yet).

I was so uncomfortable. I closed my eyes and started to visualise again… this time it was more strange, I cant really remember or explain, but my body was talking to my head with these strange images. For example, I hadn’t eaten so I was probably shaking and chattering because my body needed food. I was sweating, probably because I was hidden under four duvets... but my brain couldn’t work out that I should do something to escape these sticky situations…like go and eat a fucking apple and you might feel better?! One minute I knew everything. I understood exactly what was going on and what I needed to do; understanding everything will be okay. However, the next minute my body would talk to me, telling me it was doing something stupid and I was back to panicking again. Some points got proper intense, I thought it was the end for me and could feel my heart beat fast… that was when it got scary. So I was in, what seemed to be, a never-ending cycle of panicking and calming myself down. This literally went on for about an hour.

I still wasn’t sleeping. I think I was slowly starting to sober up, I managed to splash my face with water, have a drink, and take an effervescent vitamin c tablet. This was a very good move. I was still wide awake and tried to watch a David Attenborough to calm me down, because his voice is proper nice. I was still seeing shapes and moving my legs but it wasn’t scary, it was fine. I eventually snoozed off whoooooo!

I woke up remembering having this amazing connection with my body, my body was talking to my brain, not the other way round… my brain was just too retarded to put together what was going on in order to do something productive about it.. ahhh it was a great, weird, scary experience… quite the first trip.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104872
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 12, 2021Views: 617
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AMT (7) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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