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I Must Love Myself
Citation:   Grigore. "I Must Love Myself: An Experience with Datura (exp104947)". Erowid.org. Jul 11, 2019. erowid.org/exp/104947

11 flowers oral Brugmansia (tea)
After the resplendent sunset, an effulgent haze accompanies the Moon's ineluctable arrival. As I attempt to enjoy my pungent cup of datura tea, melancholic memories and forgotten feelings engulf my last thoughtful gulp.

There I was, sitting on my old wooden chair in the protective corner of my dark room.

'' -What have I become? Am I really the slave of my morbid fantasies?
Have I lived long enough to realize that my existence is meaningless?'' I whisper to the ignorant walls.


Aground in sadness, I aimlessly wonder.

My single picture from childhood hangs on the wall in front of me. An innocent soul slowly consumed by insanity.

'' -Where's the forsaken innocence, the gullible yet joyful child...where have I lost myself?''

As I mentally project myself into the picture, reality gently fades away...

Pervaded by haziness, several hours into the night vanish, as well as my sanity.

I find myself laying on a weatherbeaten grave.
Just another tremble, just another spark of hope...
Just one more meaningless emotion, before I start to choke.

*An old man with a bunny hat laughing in the distance*

'' -There you go mate, are you here now?'' whispers the old man.
'' -I never was.''
'' -I guess I don't exist then.''
*The old man disappears*

I woke up, half day later in my bathroom.
Fortunately, I was only covered in my own blood, shit and urine and hadn't left my apartment.

This is all that I remember.

I must love myself.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104947
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 11, 2019Views: 1,234
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Datura (15) : General (1), Alone (16)

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