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Super Mdma Aliens
Citation:   eddie. "Super Mdma Aliens: An Experience with AMT (exp104976)". Feb 6, 2018.

T+ 0:00
30 mg   AMT
  T+ 1:25 30 mg   AMT
Good evening, I meant to submit a report quite some time ago, but it lost me. I will do my best to fully describe my trip :)

A little background, I have taken opiates: Morphine, Oxycodone, Tramadol and Codeine. I've smoked a fair amount of weed, and taken mdma in high doses (800mg).

Time of taking was 30mg of AMT at 11:20am and the same at 12:45PM, it hit hard at 14:01

I wrote down some notes when I was tripping, which I'll type and then I will go further in depth

- 'Tunnel vision, far heightened sense of touch
- World is beautiful
- I love everything
- Screen looks 3D
- I have amazing sex drive
- Cognition still good
- Iris is thin blue ring
- Everything is beautiful
- So beautiful
- Beauty
- Super mdma
- Like, so super
- But not at all jittery'

That was the notes I scribbled.

Non-psychedelic Effects:

- The euphoria and body feeling was on a par with oxycodone and morphine snorted, but without a toxic feeling and coupled with boundless energy
- There was a great level of psychical power. I am 18, 200lbs and powerlift, so I am already very strong but with this drug I felt as strong as when on a creatine cycle with maybe a gram of Beta Alanine. I found picking up my friends literally completely effortless

Psychedelic Effects:

- Color saturation is up like 300%
- Contrast in the outlines of things is very extreme and thick, which when coupled with color creates a vaguely cartoonish effect
- Breathers are visible, and I found that it transferred me from cartoony to oil painting and back

There was two serious mind effects, as I will outline below, both roughly lasted 3 hours

The first was the belief that aliens had taken over the planet and I was stuck in a simulation in which the aliens keep us complacent. Funnily enough I thought said aliens were not bad, simply bored and I thought that they made me aware in order to mess with me. For example I went to the loo and didn't take down my trousers because of the paranoia that the aliens had altered my simulation in order to trick me into getting naked in public and I wasn't actually in the toilet. This was the less worrying of the two effects

The second was previous memories of doing things which went from me guessing peoples orders in mcdonalds and a coffee shop to avoiding death due to knowing when a car was going to do a uturn right in a crowded street and avoiding death by doing that which confirmed my belief in the previous memories just enough for it to seriously fuck with me when I 'remembered' a friend of mine getting run over, twice.

To conclude I would say that this is an incredible compound which occasionally messed with me but with proper dosing, purity and the right mindset will produce an immensely pleasurable experience

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104976
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 6, 2018Views: 1,176
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AMT (7) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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