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I Genuinely Had No Idea What I Was Seeing
Citation:   Rusty1983. "I Genuinely Had No Idea What I Was Seeing: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp104979)". Sep 23, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis (daily)
  1.5 tablets oral MDMA  
  0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Candy Flip First Time on LSD

First off, I'd like to say:
I am a 31 year old male who has been a regular user of recreational party drugs for 12 years, I have had MDMA in many forms, countless times, as well as amphetamines and cocaine and have smoked cannabis daily for about 18 years. I have on one occasion taken 2c-I and have twice taken MDMA pills cut with 2c-b; and along with small doses of Psylocibin mushrooms on 3 or 4 occasions, these recent experiments with the above mentioned mild psychedelics were about it, this was my first time trying LSD.

Cannabis was smoked regularly through the entire experience.

The night started pretty standard, went to see friends in town and we made arrangements to go to a club later that night and my friend informed me he had managed to procure some very fresh, potent acid. Never having taken it before, and the fact that I haven't been sleeping well and was feeling a little low I was quick to say 'Thanks, but I'll pass and stick to the pills tonight'.
I was quick to say 'Thanks, but I'll pass and stick to the pills tonight'.

So we went to the club and through out the night I had one and a half medium strength MDMA pills and by the time the club closed I was feeling great and ready to go to the afterparty, at this point in my mind I was going to to the afterparty and would get more pills or MDMA once I got there.... However, when we arrived I was informed that there was no ecstasy.

At this point my options were, Smoke a lot of weed and sleep through the come down or take what drugs are available. The only thing being available was the previous mentioned LSD. Being still quite happy and euphoric from the pills I decided it was a great idea to try acid with my friends and my partner who had also never had LSD before however she was easily convinced and we popped in half a tab each.

After about (what felt like) 1 hour, things definitely started to change, in ways very similar to what I had felt before on MDMA/Magic mushrooms. I was feeling very light and could breath incredibly deep satisfying breaths. After about 20-30 mins of feeling great, but nothing too intense I decided to take another half a tab. This was probably a bad decision, as no more than 10 mins after I did, things very quickly and noticeably started to happen, there was a poster on the wall advertising a festival that my friends had been at last year and every time this poster caught my eye the words and pictures were dissolving in front of my eyes and then being instantly drawn again in the next frame, the texture of ceiling had literally became a sea of kaleidoscopic colors, purple, brown and gold were incredibly prevalent. I genuinely had no idea what I was seeing and then knew that I had massively underestimated the power of this drug.

Everywhere I looked I was getting the most intense open eye visuals I could never imagined were even possible. The one thing that I cant get out my head even now, 24 hours after taking the initial LSD tab is a massive ball of liquid color, pouring over its own edges like a water-fall and each 'Bubble' of color had its own bubble of color which all had its own number, this was coming from every physical thing I looked at... I really can't explain it properly and it would take me days to even try. The entire trip was a hilarious experience and I could not control fits of giggles, the only words I have to explain the experience is truly 'Psychedelic'... I for the first time ever was living all these fractal art images and music videos I thought people had been dramatizing for many years.

Now, looking back on the experience, and after talking to friends about how their trip was all I can feel is very unnerved, I can't understand how I am ever going to see what I previously knew as reality the same again.

I spoke with one of that evening's fellow trippers, who is seasoned and has been doing it for years, told me that he didn't get great visuals from it, but then he never has had... He explained to me that because of a nose operation I had a few years back that lead to my loss of taste and smell that my visual senses are already in heightened state, so could quite easily produce great visuals, however like I said previously I never expected anything near what I experienced.

Even though I enjoyed the trip incredibly, I genuinely will think twice about doing it again
Even though I enjoyed the trip incredibly, I genuinely will think twice about doing it again
, due to the potency and the fact that I feel completely wiped out mentally and emotionally. I feel the need to cry, I don't even know why, whether it's happiness or fear.

If I say one final thing about this experience it would be, I thought I knew drugs, LSD is a complete game changer, be careful... That being said, I believe that once the mist ascends and I've slept properly, I will look back on this as a life changing night.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104979
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Sep 23, 2019Views: 769
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LSD (2), MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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