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A Nice Disassociative
Citation:   JayTheDuck. "A Nice Disassociative: An Experience with Methoxphenidine (exp104984)". Oct 16, 2015.

T+ 0:00
75 mg oral Methoxphenidine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 37 mg oral Methoxphenidine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:45 38 mg oral Methoxphenidine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 3   Diclazepam  
So, I've always been fond of Synthacaine. I've had many a good time on the stuff. This particular batch, my vendor had disclosed that their Synth now contains MPA (Methiopropamine). I thought 'What the hell' and bought 3 grams and some Diclazepam for after. Since my order was more than 40gbp I was entitled to a free gift. I chose 2 tablets of 75mg MXP.

When my package arrived I put the MXP to one side and started hammering the synthacaine. Man, this stuff has really gone downhill. The stuff felt damp and I had troublemaking decent lines with it.

Anyway, the next day, all the Synth had gone. So I decided to tentatively give the MXP a bash. I'd never tried disassociatives before except from over-the-counter Diphenhydramine.

So, I eyed up one of the tablets and sent it down the hatch. At this point I was still mildly tweaking from the Synthacaine. I waited an hour and nothing happened. So I broke the second tablet in half and swallowed it. Same effect, nothing. So after 45 minutes I downed the last half of my MXP and decided to do a cover of a song that I love (I have a small recording studio).

After about 20 minutes everything started feeling dizzy and light. The sounds my guitar made sounded very abnormal and it was difficult for me to get my fingers to play what I was telling them to. I felt really good though. Euphoria a plenty. No pupil activity, my stim-shakes from the Synthacaine had all but disappeared. Time distortions were apparent. I was losing about an hour at a time. My heart was slightly elevated but this was well within normal. Only complaint is that my back is in pain from sitting in the same spot for hours and not moving. I experienced no kind of K-hole (I wouldn't know what one felt like though, having never tried Ket).

By the time I had finished my song I was feeling very sociable and decided to message everyone on my facebook list just to get some conversation. After an hour or so I had my fill of conversation and I think I was starting to feel a comedown. Which was not unpleasant. I nomally suffer sooooo badly with comedowns. I had a nice 'afterglow' (which I'd never experienced before).

At this point I decided to get myself to bed. I have band practice in the morning and I'd like to be as fresh as I can be. I took 3 Diclazepam and slept like a baby.

The following morning there are no straggling effects at all. Things seem a little brighter than they should be, and my speech isn't quite on par. I keep tripping over my words. But that's it.

Personally I think this drug is 10 times better than MPA and Ethylphenidate and I will be buying more. 75mg is (I would say) a fair dose for a nice high. This may very well become my RC of choice.

Thanks for your time. And keep safe

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104984
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Oct 16, 2015Views: 4,573
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Methoxphenidine (629) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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