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Strange Dose-Effect Relationship
by what
Citation:   what. "Strange Dose-Effect Relationship: An Experience with Eszopiclone (exp104990)". Feb 23, 2019.

  oral Pharms - Eszopiclone
I was prescribed Lunesta to replace Ambien, which caused short-term amnesia, and I don't like amnesia. So yeah, I went from 10mg Ambien (sometimes 15-20mg if I was having a really wired day caffeine wise) to 3mg Lunesta.

Lunesta does not help me go to sleep at 3mg. It helps my sleep become more restful I think, but my insomnia is mostly related to falling asleep and anxiety. I have yet to experience any negative side effects from the medication, which is nicer than the Xanax I was originally on (and which has too short an addition period for my comfort).

Over the next week, I continued to self-medicate up my dose on an empty stomach to see what would help. 6mg? Nothing. 9mg? Some sleepiness and a very mild feeling of relaxation. 12mg? A little more sleepiness and a little more euphoria, like a notch below a 1mg of Xanax.

The final night of my trial was 15mg on an empty stomach. And BOOM I felt like I was back on my Ambien. I was about as clumsy as your average drunk, my head was spacey, and I felt like I could fall into coma-deep sleep at any moment. I felt amazing and watched some TV before passing out.

This is a really interesting dose relationship that I'm going to talk to my shrink about. But I'd stick with Ambien to kick me over. Lunesta doesn't seem to be up to the task for my body.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104990
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Feb 23, 2019Views: 3,214
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Pharms - Eszopiclone (373) : Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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