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Crystal Transcendence
Citation:   P.G. Ghudderson. "Crystal Transcendence: An Experience with DMT (exp104999)". Jun 8, 2020.

3 hits smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
Being only 18 years old, I am greatly appreciative for my considerable experience with the common psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin, etc.). After a few years of occasional tripping and learning about myself and the world through these drugs I yearned for something more. Not a more powerful experience per say but simply something different, as I was growing accustomed to LSD. I have always been extremely interested in DMT and have done a significant amount of research on the subject and although I knew I would come across it eventually I never actively searched for it. A random chain of events led me to meet someone I know consider a good friend who happened to have a surplus of DMT he had extracted personally. I was ecstatic.

After sitting on the stuff for a week or so and calmly preparing for what I knew would be a powerful experience at the least I decided the time had come. A couple buddies and I each packed a bowl of ~50mg of DMT atop a mixture of smoking herbs. Walking outside the house I just moved into we decided to smoke in a friends car. I knew the setting was less than ideal but not inadequate. Settling in and taking more than a few deep breaths, I did the best I could to ward off the anticipation I felt and replace it with a serene state of mind.

When I decided I was ready I held my lighter a few inches above the bowl and slowly brought it towards the crystals taking care not to burn them. First hit, deep breath. Second hit, deeper breath. Holding each for about 10 seconds I felt little to no change. When I took that third hit I felt the overwhelming effects as I inhaled. An ambient whirring sound was momentarily present as I managed to squeeze in one last toke before leaving our realm. My body was filled with a wildly foreign sensation and the visuals began showing themselves. I remember smiling wide when I first saw what my inferior mind describes as an intricate and artistic matrix of extremely vibrant colors and patterns, reminiscent of certain Hindu designs.

This is were things get difficult to describe but it is my duty to try. I was no longer in the car but somewhere else entirely. The visuals changed without notice or reason and were some of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. Highlights include a sentient tree being made from vines who had tendency to speak an ancient language I had no trouble comprehending and a bodiless 'doctor' who found even my most troubling issues amusingly irrelevant. I saw earth encircled by layer upon layer of colorful designs. I felt like I was in good company, something I would liken to hanging out with people who truly care about you but multiplied exponentially. However these beings have little tolerance for distraction and seem to know how important the short time the trip lasts can be. They were eager to show me things impossible to recreate by earthly means and I appreciated every second.

I came out of the trip relatively quickly although not jarringly so. I waited until I knew I was done to open my eyes and proceeded to talk it over with my fellow trippers. Although one didn't seem to have gotten the full experience for reasons unknown we all had nothing but positive things to say. The rest of my night was accompanied by a calmness and happiness I had never felt before but would compare to after a mushroom trip.

All in all, this experience has been not only influential in my life but a turning point. DMT may very well be god and if not something similar and from now on I will revere the substance as a spiritual sacrament.
Much love

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104999
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 8, 2020Views: 644
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DMT (18) : Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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