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Profoundly Introspective
Citation:   Ray_Shermans. "Profoundly Introspective: An Experience with DMT (exp105016)". Feb 24, 2020.

100 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I first started using recreational substances at age 12. I've tried a wide variety of psychoactive chemicals such as marijuana, alcohol, pills, cocaine, heroin, nitrous, LSD, PCP, mushrooms, LSZ, AL-LAD, 2ce, 2cp, DO* chemicals, All NBOMe chems, Escaline powder, DMT, MDA, MDMA, (m)ethylone, and various other substances. Nothing could've prepared me for what I was about to go through on this particular day.

Earlier in the day I had smoked 30 mg of DMT and did not breakthrough. I was going away on a little vacation, and I needed to 'free my mind' before I left. I've broke through on DMT before, but after this experience I now have a new meaning to the term 'breakthrough'.

Me and my buddy, let's call him DS, we're at my house at around 10:30 PM. He had never tried DMT before, and I was going to let him try it after I had broke through. (I did not let him try it afterwards, I felt like he couldn't handle it.) He's done a few other psychedelics, such as 25i-NBOMe, and mushrooms, but was not nearly as experienced as me in this field.

I loaded up my 'meth bulb' pipe with 100 mg of DMT weighed out on a mg scale beforehand. The lights had been turned off except for my computer light I had left on just to put a dim light in the room to see what I was doing. I set up a chair by my door for my friend to sit on and keep track of time for me. I had set up a pillow on the floor and a comforter to lay back on once I had taken my final hit. I told DS to switch the fan on as soon as I laid back, and it was silent besides the fan. I usually prefer to have a DMT trip in silence, I feel like music breaks my concentration.

I sat on the floor with my pipe loaded full of DMT. I started holding the flame way below the pipe and waited for it to heat up to take my first hit. I ended up getting one of the biggest hits of DMT of my life, and I was able to hold it in for roughly 8 seconds. I immediately started taking my second hit. By the time I was halfway through my second hit I started hearing a loud ringing sound coming through every piece of energy in my body. I finished my second toke and set the pipe on the floor. I laid my head back and blew my second hit out. As soon as my head touched the pillow I remember thinking 'uh-oh', because I had never had a DMT trip come on that strong before.

I still had my eyes open, and the entire room started disassembling. It seemed as if when I let the second hit escape my lungs that my breath was filled with a 'dissasembler'. (As I let the air out, the air started disassembling everything.) At this point everything that could possibly go wrong started to go wrong. Up was down, left was right, nothing made any sense. I couldn't tell whether I was breathing in or out, it all seemed the same to me. Every beat between my heart took an infinity to happen, so I felt as if my heart had completely stopped. At this point I closed my eyes, and I started seeing extremely bright colors intertwining into a gigantic circular type of object. It looked exactly like an Alex Grey painting. The colors were all coming together, forming different funnels and shapes, and yet all coming together at the same time.

At this point I remember feeling as if I was being thrown at light speed through the entire universe. I ended up in a whole new world, it's very hard to describe this place in words. There's really no words in the human language that can explain where I was. There were these very loud beeping and humming sounds, and all of a sudden there were these beings everywhere. I could feel their energy vibrations, and they were god-like creatures. They were extremely powerful, and they knew it. They started communicating with me in a non-English language, yet I could understand exactly what they were telling me. (When my trip ended I couldn't remember what they had said to me.) Very loud alien-type music started playing from all around me, and moving throughout my body like electricity through vibrations of sound. This new world was extremely loud and filled with very tense and 'heavy' vibrations. I stayed in this place for what felt like 10 years, but turned out to be a few minutes.

These entities felt intimidating and I tried to fight it at first, but then I just let go and gave up. I remember them telling me that I had to 'let go' which I interpreted as 'to die' since my heart had completely stopped at this point. So I completely accepted death. I knew I was going to die, and I accepted it. I trusted these entities, and I felt as if they would guide me and take care of me if anything were to happen. As soon as I had accepted my demise, the entities seemed a lot more 'generous' and 'happy'. They started bringing me along with them, showing me various places and objects that I can no longer remember because the trip was too intense at this part.

I was scared, but I trusted these creatures. They were powerful, and they knew what they were doing, I could sense it. I continued on with these entities, just giving them my complete attention. (Once again, the trip was too intense at this point to remember what was happening.)

At this point I remember having a sense like I was leaving. I started flying back faster than the speed of sound. I opened my eyes and looked at my hand, which had about 10 other hands trailing behind it, and my hand started falling apart into a million different fragments/fractals. I look over at my buddy DS and noticed he looked like he was slanted sideways, and I asked him how many minutes it had been. (It had felt like years.) He told me 32 minutes. At this point I was very concerned that I was never coming back from this trip because I had never had a breakthrough that intense for that long. I closed my eyes for 5 seconds and immediately asked him how many minutes it had been again because I had forgotten. He responded with '40'. This confused me because it had seemed like 5 seconds. Time wasn't working anymore. I sat up in complete AWE at this point, everything was a luminescent green color and my fan looked similar to a giant spaceship departing.

My entire body was drenched in sweat, I couldn't tell the difference between hot and cold, and could barely tell the difference between breathing in and out. I was in complete shock. This had been one of the most intense, visual and out of body experiences in my entire life. The breakthrough had lasted nearly 40 minutes, and by this time it was about an hour later. I just sat there and tried to communicate to DS what I had just been through. It was the biggest journey I had ever taken.

After that trip I feel completely different about everything in my life in a more positive aspect. I feel as if I have a 'new chance at life' so to speak. I will always remember this experience, and continue to share it with others.


Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105016
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 24, 2020Views: 778
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DMT (18) : Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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