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Neither Positive Nor Negative
Citation:   ^MisterJingo^. "Neither Positive Nor Negative: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp10508)". Dec 16, 2001.

20 g oral Nutmeg
I've wanted to try nutmeg for a while and recently I had the opportunity. I took the nutmeg on an empty stomach. I downed 20 grams of nutmeg in a glass of water; the taste was strong but not even half as bad as what I’ve been told.

Approximately 40 minutes after drinking the nutmeg I started to feel slightly nauseous but this quickly faded.

I first noticed effects about 2-3 hrs after ingestion. I felt a slight stoning buzz and a tightness in my head. The feeling continued to increase and soon I experienced slight music euphoria. The feelings stayed at this level for about another hour before declining. At the peak of the effects, the overall experience was very subtle although my mind actually seemed to be more lucid.

At the 8-hour mark I felt slightly off baseline and had an amazingly dry mouth.

The overall experience was very subtle neither being negative or positive. I doubt I’ll be trying nutmeg again for a while due to the fact my entire day was wasted. I might try an higher dose in the future. As a side note, I felt relaxed the morning after with no hint of a hangover.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10508
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 16, 2001Views: 12,013
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