The Great Reveal
Citation:   Drago Slo. "The Great Reveal: An Experience with DMT (exp105099)". Jun 3, 2020.

2 - 3 hits smoked DMT
The Great Reveal

My first experience with DMT involved a small glass bottle with a hole in the bottom and copper meshing in the neck, what some call “the machine”. It was the most effective way IMO. The first time trying it out I never reached blast off state, as I was to hesitant and a bit scared admittedly. I was sitting in a Chinese garden outside my apartment downtown and after 2 hits I tapped out. There was a a very calm sensation that overcame my body relaxing me in every way. I could hear a slight buzzing noise like a helicopter off in the distance. This lasted maybe 5 minutes in total and afterwords I felt like I had a rejuvenating power nap of the soul. The rest of the day was pondered on what was beyond that...

Well after a few days the pondering led me to take the full leap...I was sitting in my apartment with my roommate. I cued up some relaxing rainforest sounds from youtube and with the help of my roommate began to draw in the first hit. The taste of orange and the crackling of the powder as it melted and dripped through the mesh was all I could really see and by the 3rd hit with my lungs full everything began to slowly fade away...(This is where everything changed and I entered into something I honestly never believed to be possible. I always doubted when I heard people explain how powerful a full DMT blast off was, till now...)

I felt like I passed out but in reality I just laid back onto the bed with my eyes closed. Things turned black and I heard a loud popping noise then the journey began. As I began to travel through a tunnel very fast with geometrical patterns swirled around me with flashes of different colors then all of a sudden it came to a sudden halt and I was in a small room but it was more like I was in my own brain. The walls seemed to be made of a membrane and all of a sudden before my eyes there was exactly 3 beings that were as black as the place I was in. They came out of nowhere and all I could make out was their shadows as they slowly moved forward, they had what looked like dread locks and in all honesty seemed very dark and unpleasant yet I wasnt scared of their presence for whatever reason. This sounds crazy even to write but they were all swaying side to side almost in a hypnotic dance and they had their hands out almost as if to push me out, like I wasnt suppose to be there. My feeling at the time while it happened was that these beings couldn't believe I was present, that I could visually see them and that's why they were trying to push me out. It's as if they succeeded because I felt like I passed through an invisible curtain back into reality. I remembered that exact feeling as I passed back into my apartment and I laid there staring at the popcorn ceiling as it slowly swirled and moved, which I guess is the after effects.

(Side note) the rainforest sounds I feel is what kept me calm when I woke back up, because I lived downtown at the time and waking up to hearing cars and people talking might have freaked me out. It was definitely a good idea to have some soothing ambient noise playing in the background during the trip.

Now that was my first ever full on DMT experience and even though it seemed somewhat dark and eerie it didn't scare me nor did I feel that was the intention. I think its something beyond that. And I only say that from what my 2nd experience showed me. Which was quite the opposite...

For the second journey it started off somewhat like the first with me slowly fading away and a loud popping noise. Then I remembered laying back on the bed but this time it felt like I was submerged under water and I couldnt breath but that sensation went away almost immediately as I opened my eyes which in itself was not what I planned to do but was happening now nonetheless. The whole room began to take on the digital effect from what I can only describe as the movie A Scanner Darkly. Everything seemed to collide together and digitize with ecstatic bright flickering colors then I turned my head up towards the ceiling and what I saw left me in astonishment...there was a beautiful woman floating right above me, she touched my face with her hand almost comforting me and I began to speak out loud is what my mate told me, saying “oh my god I'm so happy” and I was! Lol I never in my life felt so happy its like a warm blanket of comfort spread across me in such a way that nothing could ever harm or effect me in a negative way. When I slowly came too that feeling stayed with, It didnt leave me. I kept onto that feeling for a few weeks after which was the strange part.

CLIFF NOTES: 1st DMT trip I saw dark menacing figures but by no means was I frightened by them, 2nd trip saw a beautiful woman who comforted me in a way that made me know everything would be ok.

My whole rationalization and conclusion of both these trips were I saw my demons and I saw my guardian angel. I believe both exist, both tugging at my being in different ways. Knowing that there is something beyond what we can see through our human senses is a life changing moment. It changed me for the better.
Thank you for reading and enjoy your future journey into the other realm : )

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 105099
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 3, 2020Views: 637
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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