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Emanating Source of Energy
Citation:   AndyB1928. "Emanating Source of Energy: An Experience with DMT (exp105140)". Jun 4, 2020.

  smoked DMT
Where to begin?

I'm the type of person to take drugs very apprehensively, it takes me a few weeks to build the confidence and knowledge necessary to take the plunge into DMT. Just to clarify, I've taken acid once last year and it was the most incredibly profound transformative experience of my life. Inner demons were turned into funky beats (coincidental cards against humanity draw!).

DMT was completely different, a friend of mine (bhuddist who has used it several times) walked me through it. We chilled out round his, listening to some hendrix vinyls. I took a very small hit first just to get used to the sensation without breaking through.
I took a very small hit first just to get used to the sensation without breaking through.
It was like a was in a grand entrance lobby/cave, the walls were a purple mesh against a black back drop. As I was leaving, I could sense/see the beginnings of a bright 'energy' in the middle of the 'cave'.

'How peculiar' I said aloud, without realising how posh I probably sounded!

Next, the real deal, and holy fuck was it incredible. We were sat in the dark and as I lit the pipe I had a sudden image of the scene from Enter the Void. For a brief second I thought I had made a huge mistake, 'I'm not ready for this', 'I don't want to be here'. But that thought dissipated just as quickly as the outside world did. The walls seemed to fragment into dust and melt away. I suddenly felt very calm as relaxed back onto the bed and entered the same hallway from before. Except this time, that faint energy source was unveiled, in full view.

This 'energy source' was like nothing I'd ever seen before. It was a mixture of orange, yellow and green (somehow). Tendrils of mesh sheet planes emanated from the source, flowing blissfully yet full of life and purpose. (Upon describing the shape and positioning of this source to my friend, he suggested it looks like the Einstein-Rosen Bridge.

As amazing as this experience was, I've read of previous experiences about not struggling against the DMT. Whilst I was in no discomfort (blissful in fact) I was actively trying to examine this mysterious energy. I know now that this was wrong, I was trying too hard to make this experience something it wasn't. The closest I can describe how I felt, was like trying to fly in your dreams. This particular aspect of the trip has given me a lot to think about, but I'll leave that out for the sake of giving you my life story!

I was then consumed by the source in a warm (literally my head began to heat up, this was not an uncomfortable sensation though, merely a new sensation) flash of bright golden/yellow/amber light. This seemed to signal the end of the trip (around 5-7 minutes according to my friend) and I gradually came back to the room. Stretching my muscles and clicking my bones never felt so satisfying! The end of the trip made me realise that this initial trip was like the pilot episode of a tv series - and a damn good one - where there is a whole lot more to go!

I'm really excited delve into this new world again :)

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105140
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 4, 2020Views: 568
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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