I've Never Taken It Orally or Any Other Way
Citation:   Mokona. "I've Never Taken It Orally or Any Other Way: An Experience with MDMA (exp105158)". Erowid.org. Jul 10, 2019. erowid.org/exp/105158

Injecting MDMA Experience

This is not a first-time experience as I've done it before many times but I realized IV MDMA isn't a common thing and figured I'd share my experience.

So first off, I had 100mg (roughly) of mdma ROCK. Not a pill as I would never inject a pill and would not suggest anyone do so.

Now then, the prep. First I crushed my mdma in a dollar bill, folded, and rolled a lighter over it. Once it was a fine, fine powder I put it on a spoon and added 40 units (from a 1CC syringe) of water.
I put it on a spoon and added 40 units (from a 1CC syringe) of water.
I used the cap of my syringe to mix, heated the solution briefly, mixed again until it was dissolved completely then used a cotton to filter and drew it back up.

Upon injection I was met with an almost immediate 'cold' all-over feeling. It slowly build into a full body high, very intense and pleasurable. It's so hard to describe but I will do my best. I've never taken mdma orally or any other way. My head felt 'full', my body felt like it waves of fresh air were blown over it. My jaw tensed and I felt amazing. A rush of feeling happy. I will say, for the first 3 minutes or so the feeling is VERY overwhelming. I had to close my eyes, rocking slightly, and enjoy the overpowering feeling of the most intense roll. It's almost scary...and was absolutely terrifying the first time I tried IV mdma. While it's overwhelming and scary it quickly fades into a beautiful high. Sexual acts of any kind even as simple as kissing feels 10x more intense. Soft things are softer and I want to touch everything!

It can be very overwhelming.
I may get very warm, I may not.
There's likely a 50% chance of vomiting.
I will likely want silence while it hits me... I don't do it if I think it'll be noisy around me!
It does fade away fast...about 20 minutes.

This isn't a method I'd do for partying... It's better for relaxing at home and feeling good.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105158
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 3,737
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MDMA (3) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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