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We Went Off the Dank Scale
Citation:   Jewburg. "We Went Off the Dank Scale: An Experience with Cannabis (exp105182)". Apr 21, 2023.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Too Much THC

It was a Friday night in early February if I can remember correctly, and my good friend Danny and I were hanging out after school at his house. We were both juniors in highschool at the time, and decided that since Danny's family was gone for the weekend, we were going to smoke a bunch of weed that night.

Both being relatively inexperienced with cannabis, we picked up two grams of medical grade '91 Chemdawg shake from our hookup J (who had his medcard) at around 11 o'clock at night. With neither of us being able to judge the actual potency of the bud, we tried rolling all two grams into one huge blunt (using only one wrap). This failed pretty miserably as the wrap split, and we had to resort to using printer paper (probably the worst idea we had that night).

We finished rolling the printer blunt after about twenty minutes and then hopped the fence into the school behind Danny's house to prevent waking his neighbors up to the smell of skunk.

Once we got to the blacktop, Danny decided he didn't want to track any smells of the weedy sort back into his house, so we literally smoked this blunt in our underwear (lel). Thinking back on that now cracks me the fuck up.

Little did I know how ridiculously low my tolerance was in addition to how fucking dank this weed was...

I just recently came upon a similar sample of medical Chemdawg (still not as good as the '91), and that was at least a 4.1/5. With that in mind, the '91 was around a 4.4/5 on the dank scale.

This was probably only my ninth or tenth time smoking pot, and with my lack of experience, I figured I should just go ham. I lit the blunt and started hitting it. We got about slightly past halfway down after passing it and hitting it about eight
or nine times each.

Right when I took my last hit, I was immediately space-domed. And when I say 'space-domed' I don't just mean really stoned, I mean I was tripping harder than the time I did 40x Salvia after I had smoked two bowls of God's Gift while I was on three Valium. I looked up from the ground after a few seconds post-exhale, and I was locked to the ground; my feet were grafted to the asphalt. Movement of any sort felt extremely weighted, as if all of my limbs were filled with lead. At the same time, I felt the ground pushing back towards me, giving me the sensation of levitation. I turned my head to the left to look at Danny, and my vision lagged hard for about two seconds and then finally focused in congruence with my head. With the slur of a retard, I declared that I was 'sooooooooooooooooo fucking hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh'. Danny reported that he was not high at the moment. We put the remaining .8 gram half blunt into the danktank in which the weed came in before heading back to the fence. Just after putting it away however, some of the sprinklers in the grass started going off. Just the sheer noise of the sprinklers breaking the silence scared the shit out of me and caused my molasses vision to spin around towards the sound.

When I stared into the dimly lit field covered with sprinkler mist, my vision began to gradually but suddenly split into equal sections of my reality which began to melt and squeeze around and through each other while my vision was stalled. This absolutely mindfucked me and really impaired my balance as we were walking towards the fence. My depth perception was literally gone. I was constantly looking at either two dimensional planes or infinitely expanding corridors.

Climbing over the fence took a while because I was having a hard time cooperating with what gravity wanted me to do what my balls didn't want to do (get punctured by the fence). I made a bit of noise but luckily didn't cause any alarm to the neighbors. We went inside and since I had to take the SAT at 7:30 in the morning, I was going to bed.

When I sat down on the bed, I could feel overwhelming serotonin euphoria rushing throughout my entire body. It didn't waver for a second over the course of the next sixteen hours. I had trouble sleeping a bit because I was so high that I was getting restless leg syndrome. And the T.V. wasn't helping by distorting my visuals and causing me to have serious auditory hallucinations simulating the voices of small children and random animals such as birds and domestic pets. For about an hour or so, I struggled to sleep also due to the infinitely changing tactile hallucinations I was experiencing on the bed. I kept flying and spinning and moving through the undiscovered dimensions of my mind, or at least that's what it felt and looked like with my eyes closed.

I think I finally fell asleep around 1:30 AM and woke up five hours later still very intoxicated. I took the SAT, and surprisingly did OK. I reflect on this experience as one of the most intense psychedelic experiences I have ever had, however, I have not tried many of the novel psychedelics that one would usually compare a trip to. Since this experience, I have tried Salvia and 25i, and honestly, this particular experience was visually up to par with my first 750ug 25i trip and tactically about five times as intense as my first 40x Salvia trip.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 105182
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 21, 2023Views: 536
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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