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Citation:   Sireneyes. "Infinite: An Experience with LSD (exp105210)". Sep 22, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (liquid)
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I'll be referring to myself as Siren, a name I use for mostly anything Internet related. It comes from my love for all things beautiful, singing and of course mermaids. I'll be referring to my best friend I dosed with as Luminescence or L. I am going to try to make this as detailed as possible so I can really capture the essence of this particular trip. Throughout I may mention two other friends ours, they did not dose this night, however we did spend a lot of time with them through out our trip and they contributed to mine whether they realize it or not, they will be referred to as M, and D.

It was Saturday and I was leaving working later than usual, the first day after Christmas was a very busy day for the smoke shop I work in. L had messaged me asking if I wanted to hang out that night, maybe go to the park and flow, as we both are into flow arts, such as gloving, hooping, poi and staff. L is probably one of the closet people too me, we've only know each other about 3 years but over that course of this 3 years we've dated on and off, but also have become very close friends which is hard to say after you've had a romantic relationship like ours. I told L I was down to hang out but I needed a shower and to eat something, I mentioned that D, and M wanted to hang out as well so we should get ahold of them. I bolted out of work because at this point I was over dealing with impatient customers, while I was trying to count down my register. I headed home eat some food, took a shower, relaxed for a bit got dressed and headed over to L's house.

When I got there we decided we wanted to dose, unfortunately our regular who sells to us is unavailable for quite some time. We have found someone else who can get a much higher dosage of LSD, which they refer to as needlepoint. He was out so we started looking elsewhere. I have anxiety issues, and a problem with depression. Against my doctors advice, I refuse to take prescription medication, and instead use meditation and flow arts to help me through, which in my opinion works much better for me and my life goals. Looking for LSD of course gave me some anxiety. I don't know these people all that well. What if it's bunk and we waste our money? If they rip us off we'll be disappointed and broke. We don't have a way to test it without tasting it, it could be research chemicals which will definitely sky rocket my anxiety.

Our search wasn't going to well and I kind of figured we wouldn't be dosing which wasn't a big deal, but a friend of ours came through and said he has some so we left L's house and headed to the city to M's which was about a 20-25 minute drive. We put gas in my car, got some more money, grabbed some food and cigarettes so when we did dose we wouldn't have to get out again. I'm not totally sure if L knew that but that was my plan. After I dose I don't particularly like being in cars, I have no problem with taking walks or hikes, but the streetlights from inside a car make anxious.

We head to the next state over, which is about a 35 minute drive, to pick up the doses which I had assumed would be on blotters. We arrive at this party and to me the vibes were weird. Not bad not good, just odd. We meet our friend and he takes us into a back hallways and he starts to bicker with someone we don't about the sketchiness of the party and is showing up then leaving. He was holding an eye dropper, which made me have a minor anxiety attack. The thing about my anxiety attacks is they can be incredibly subtle and most people don't notice, or they can be the exact opposite and I can be on the floor in a puddle sobbing. I've gotten to a point where I can coach myself out of them mentally. So L says 'are you ready to dose? Okay stick out your tongue.' And he doses me out of the dropper. That was new for me and L didn't seem to be worried about it so my anxiety disappeared. We were going to give our friend a ride somewhere so we relaxed met some people and the party and left after about 10 minutes being there. Neither one of us wanted to come up on a 35 minute car ride back to M's house.

R is our friend who sold us the doses and his backstory is kind of a sad one, he's going through a difficult stage in his life, dealing with homelessness and friends who don't have his best interest in mind, unfortunately we didn't have a place where we could take him so we had to drop him off at his stepfathers house, who has been mistreating him to a great extent. I was selfishly worried his bad situation was going to affect our trip because the car ride to M's house was pretty quiet.

I figured out I was coming up pretty quickly but it wasn't a normal come up. It was similar to the needlepoint come up instead of a blotter come up, which is quite different for me. I wasn't getting crazy visuals quite yet, so I assumed I wouldn't. Everything looked more real and 3D, the trees looked like an extremely high resolution Sims 4 game. Like my entire existence was in a superb role playing game that was slowing taking place under water. Extremely still, calm water. Almost like a really thin oil consistency. We got to M's house and my visuals took hold. The popcorn on the ceiling danced in geometrical patterns. The trees waved like soft spaghetti a noodles, and the carpet looked like really slow waves of water. I lied on the couch and enjoyed the visuals, contributing to conversation when my mind let me. I wasn't really thinking about much at this point just enjoying my surroundings. L, would talk about gloving but I couldn't respond intelligent but I started to feel connected to everyone in the room. I didn't need them to explain what they were trying to say. I could pick up on what they were talking about within a couple words of their sentences. I think L noticed I was having insane visuals because I closed my eyes for a minute and when I opened them he was standing above me giving me a small light show with his gloves. The burst of bright color startled me at first, but the mode he was using was painting a really intricate stream of light in my mind so I enjoyed it. I was still laying on the couch and the way he was standing didn't give him enough room to give me a good light show so he sat on me.

As he was giving me a light show my mind began to wonder while I was watching his lights. I began to notice everything and became more aware of my surroundings. When L would shift his weight to one side of his body I could feel it inside on mine. Not in a sexual way, it was like his weight became apart of mine. L isn't overweight by any standards but the extra force began to wear on my bones but it didn't make me uncomfortable, my body just adjusted and started to support his weight along with me. My bones still hurt but it didn't bother me which made me question if my body always does that and I've never noticed. Does his body do that when I sit on him? Does everyone do it? Was it just part of the trip? We're our energies connecting differently that usual? I'm still not sure because my mind wandered somewhere else. He finished a awesome light show, turned on a lamp and I sat up so I can participate in conversation.

It was about an hour, hour and half after we dosed when something I call dual visuals started to happen. I don't know if this happens to other people or not but what it is, is my eyes are open and the visuals in the outside world, like the ceiling, the trees and carpet continue but if I change my focus to mind with me eyes still open I have visuals in my mind at the same time. So I see patterns on the ceilings while my mind makes an extreme music video. We were listening to the eden project, or skrux, I don't remember which was first. I sunk back into the couch and sunk into my mind. My body began to feel like bright yellow and white light, the ceiling began to dance to the beat of our music, my mind was going to odd places. When I get this deep into a trip recessed memories from my childhood play a big part and I can relive them.
When I get this deep into a trip recessed memories from my childhood play a big part and I can relive them.
I can smell, see, feel and hear my memories with no other stimulation but my mind. L and M were talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying unless I focused on them but I was far into my trip at this point which I think was the high point of my peak. L turned off the light and laid on the floor. I don't know how much time passed as we both laid in our own worlds but I don't think a lot did. I became even more aware of my surroundings. I could feel the weight shift of the floor if L moved, but M seemed to not play such an impact my senses. It was almost like he was completely still. I couldn't feel him breathe or move on the couch, almost like he wasn't even there even though he was sitting on the other end of the couch.

Some time passed and my mind wandered back into the apartment. I sat up and decided I wanted a cigarette but it took me some time because I could feel hold cold the apartment was and it chilled my bones. Finally L and I smoked a cigarette and also decided to smoke a bowl. After the high kicked in I was much more talkative and could actually use my cell phone again. Our friend D was still awake and wanted to come over. M was upset with D but decided to let him come over anyway. D lives 3 apartment buildings over so he was there within 5 minutes.

D walked in and the energy shifted. D had a few beers prior to coming over so he was a bit tipsy so he was trying to play proper and have intelligent conversation but L and I were too goofy and I had a mad case of the giggles so it slowly shifted into funny conversation. After this communication became hard on my end. I could understand what everyone was saying on the surface and the meaning behind it. I'll list a couple examples. L and D switched spots and L was playing with his gloves kind of isolated and he said something under his breath kind of directed to me I think, he was doing whips and flails, a style of gloving but said 'tech just isn't fun anymore' which to an outsider wouldn't have made sense since he wasn't gloving that way but to me I saw how much fun he was having doing whips and flails and how easy he was flowing and jamming to the music. Right before he said 'tech wasn't fun' I saw it in his mind, meaning I saw the realization in his eyes, and his body language. It felt like I could understand what he was thinking without him even saying anything but I couldn't explain myself to him. My responses came out choppy and not thought through. I felt like I was portraying disinterest and what he was telling me wasn't important to me, which wasn't true. But I was caught up in reading unspoken language my senses were overloaded and I couldn't respond right, so I let off.

D and I were discussing Taylor Swift who I'm not a giant fan of, but damn her music is catchy. We went back and forth be cause I admitting her music was catchy. D chastised me for thinking so but muttered her song lyrics 'I love the game' under his breath which to me connected more dots to his life. I could see life from his point of view and his actions, right or wrong made sense because I could see where they were coming from. He treats every day life as a game and he will play both sides. I've noticed this before but I had never had a name for it until then. I could sense the deeper meaning behind everything anyone was saying but it didn't have an effect on me, I wasn't reading into things so I could have an opinion. I was reading into things so I could understand. I've always had good intuition but it was remarkable that night. I asked D if he wanted to use my hula hoop because I was locked on the couch so L turned off the lights, and gave himself a lightshow in the mirror while D hooped and I sat on the couch and watched. It was really pleasing to watch because I could see both of their playful, happy energies come out while they were doing something they loved. A tinge of me wanted to join the fun and hoop too but I was enjoying watching them more. D had been drinking so he kept knocking stuff over so we decided to all sit on the couch and hang again and laughed about our daily lives.

It was about 2:30am at this point and things were starting to wind down. We chat for awhile then M decides to go to bed. L and I decided to lay down and watch tv, I have my head laying on his torso close to his hip and we're watching tv. A commercial came on, we're two people were trying to guess each other's favorite food, the women's was sushi and the mans was ribs which was funny because those are our favorite food. This wasn't the first time where we've been watching tv and the show or commercial correlated with my life or our life and I'm assuming I'm seeing them for a reason. I'm working on figuring out what that means. As we're watching tv L tries to be sexy and turn me on but, it's just funny because social interaction is odd on LSD and I just can't take him seriously. He notices and we both start laughing and agree that neither one of us are very good at initiating sex and we laugh some more, as I give him a blow job it's interrupted with laughter because there is no way to be sexy after that. It was comforting to know that we both agree we are bad at things and didn't feel as socially awkward as I usually do when I'm on LSD. Even though our communication was limited I still could understand.

I felt very connected to my friends and my surroundings throughout my trip and it taught me really how to see things from an unbiased 3rd party. We eventually fell asleep and went about day, we all had to work the next day.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105210
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 22, 2021Views: 430
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Depression (15), General (1)

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