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My First Date
Citation:   Anonymous. "My First Date: An Experience with Cocaine (exp10527)". Apr 12, 2006.

4 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
I went to my friend's house one nite just to hang out, expecting the usual pot and liqour. My friend knew that I was getting pretty bored of weed, it just didn't do much for me anymore. So she got some coke for the nite. I walk in and see her pouring wite powder on to a cd case and she smiled at me. I knew exactly what it was, I had talked to her about trying coke for a while. My friend had done this plenty of times before, I'd trust this girl with my life.

She took a regular playing card and put it over the coke, and pressed down on it, to crush up the rocks. She crushed it up really well and seperated a thin line for me. She told me to figure out which nostral was the clearest and gave me the tube, then told me to be sure I put the right end in my nose, which I did. I put it in my nose, covering the other nostral and snorted the line she gave me. I shook my head and sniffled a little, waiting to see how I felt. After a few seconds I felt a little lightheaded, and I felt my nose draining back in to my throat.

After about 3 minutes, I did another line. I stopped at four, I didn't want to over - do it my first time. We started playing cards, and before I knew it, my front teeth went numb. The roof of my mouth was pretty numb, and my hands were shaking a little. I was petty hyper, but not enough to make me get up and run around, I was feeling damn good though. Just having a good time, I didn't feel totally different, just really happy. Unlike when I smoke pot, I can hold a train of thought easily on coke, and I can focus. The downside, though, is that right when it wore off.. I wanted more. We already snorted the bag, but I wanted more. Everyone I know that tried coke did the same thing. I didn't go crazy over it wanting more, but it sure would be nice.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10527
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 12, 2006Views: 18,804
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Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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