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Stronger and More Intense Than Shrooms
by Meg
Citation:   Meg. "Stronger and More Intense Than Shrooms: An Experience with 4-MeO-DMT (exp105278)". May 16, 2016.

7 mg oral 4-MeO-DMT (capsule)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
Last night we were offered what we were told were magic mushrooms in capsule form from an acquaintance. We took them at about 8pm and the onset felt like it took a really long time. It didn't take as long for my friends. The trip was insanely intense and comparing it with my trip with LSD this was way more to handle. We ventured to a nearby bar but ended up leaving because we had uncontrollable laughter for a few hours of the trip.

I experienced extreme loss of the concept of time. It felt like it could have been days passing. I felt like I had tunnel vision where I could only focus on one thing at a time and then constantly was forgetting what I was doing. Everything we encountered/watched on TV/ listened to struck me as really odd. I was a little anxious actually about tripping so hard. We were drinking beers and smoking weed with it which helped mellow me out a little. About 4 hours into the trip the acquaintance told us that what we were one wasn't mushrooms but then left the room and didn't tell us what we were actually on. Because I still couldn't stop laughing at everything I went an hour or so sitting there not knowing what drug I was on but I kept forgetting to ask.

Finally very late at about 3 am or so he told me we did 4-MeO-DMT. He said he ordered it from [ ] and that the drug was a little different from normal DMT and was actually legal. I honestly don't know if that was true but it was absolutely stronger and more intense than any shrooms I had ever done. The experience was odd because at times I remember loving it and then other times it was causing me anxiety. It was a very up and down trip, all of us agreed on that. It lasted a lot longer then I thought it would and its 1:30 pm the following day and I still feel kind of shaky and out of it. It's been over 12 hours since I took the drug.

Crazy stuff though. It hits really hard and it's pretty abrupt when it does.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105278
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 16, 2016Views: 4,606
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4-MeO-DMT (742) : Combinations (3), What Was in That? (26), General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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