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Sailing with Sailor Moon
Citation:   Mindy. "Sailing with Sailor Moon: An Experience with Cannabis (exp10531)". Sep 13, 2004.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I am writing this report in hopes that some person out there can relate and tell me what, other than pot, I was smoking.

[Editor's note: It was probably just cannabis. Different people can react very differently to the same substance, even in the same setting.]

My first experience with this substance was right after school had let out and my boyfriend had just scored some weed that was said to be the best. Well the girl he got it from was sort of a ditz and and honestly I wasn't expecting much. I was blown away! About ten minutes after smoking a bowl I just started to feel happy, like the world is a good place (this is unusual cuz even stoned I'm a big cynic) and then I realized that Sailor Moon was about to start. I turned on the tv and turned up the volume to about normal, but as soon as the theme song started it was like there was no other sound and no other soul but mine and Sailor Moon's. My boyfriend was right behind me and I did'nt even realize it until a comercial. I just sat there thinking about what had happened in the show remembering that this was kind of a climactic episode and then I whipped around and proceeded to explain in great detail everything that I had just witnessed to my boyfriend. I don't think I recognized the fact that other people could see the tv just as well as I could.

I was so into this show that I could feel what the characters felt more deeply than they themselves could and I could sense the presence of an enemy, like this chill went through me and I became afraid. This was very entertaining until near the end Sailor Moon and her friends got the shit beat out of them. They were scratched and bleeding, their clothing was torn and they struggled to hold their heads up. My heart went out to them and I felt somewhat deflated. Again, to me there was nothing more to life than seeing this television show. Suddenly in the show SM's daughter is taken by the sinister being and they are reaching for eachother, SM is trying to use her power but she is too weak, she sumons her powers nothing happens, she screams for them with tears streaming down her face, she falls to her knees, but is powerless still to save her child. At this point I am crying, and I mean crying. I am so overcome by emotion and this is so real to me that I want to help so I reach out to SM and try to sumon her powers for her, but this is of course silly and the show ends and i wipe the tears away and go look in a mirror to make sure my eyes aren't puffy and then I see this dark molasses type substance forming on the undersides of my arms.

At first it is only in my reflection, but then I look down and it's dripping from my outspread arms, weighing me down. I can pull at it with my hands but it is so thick and heavey not only physically but emotionally as well. I came to the conclusion that this is my evil, it has always been here and it will always be here. It is the material form of that thing that holds you back form a certain thought and that links you to everyone else in the world cuz they are all covered in it too. At this point I am explaining this to my boyfriend and I can see it on him too acting like gravity does, pulling us down. Then i started dancing strangely and I danced and enjoyed the music but still knew that everyone was inherently evil. This lasted about an hour in all, but was the most profound experience Iv'e ever had and I will never forget it, or match it, it seems. I've tried with acid and with DXM and unfortunately salvia, but that'a another story.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 10531
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 13, 2004Views: 11,506
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), What Was in That? (26), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4)

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