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Suddenly I Leave This Dimension
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   courtcomposer. "Suddenly I Leave This Dimension: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp105327)". Dec 23, 2017.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Just had an argument with my wife. I walked outside and decided to smoke Salvia I had purchased few days ago. I lit my glass pipe and took a deep hit. After 25 seconds I exhaled the smoke. Suddenly I seem to sense that something unstoppable and strange was coming. I put the pipe and rest of Salvia in my pocket. I sat down in the living room. My tv was on a National Geographic program.

Suddenly I leave this dimension. I lose all sense of reality and feel like my soul was sucked out of my body. There was a sense of speed travel. As my soul left my body I heard a high pitch sound. I find myself in outer space seeing a spiral galaxy. My soul comes back to my body but I feel I had travel to another galaxy at the speed of light.

Back in my body I am only able to realize I do not recognize most of what I am seeing. I can only make out the silhouette of my tv. The screen is black. The tv stars talking to me. Saying my name every few seconds. Warning me I had done something very wrong. At the same time a sensed there was a an alien presence in me looking through my eyes. It was some other entity I knew I had brought back from space.

Letters start dripping from my tv. They formed a whirlpool turned into carnival-like firework wheel and exited the room through a window. I am now coming down thinking that all I saw was impossible. How can a plant do this to anyone?

I noticed I am surrounded by a cloud of pink stars. They rotate and flash around me. There is an electric noise coming from them. I sit on the toilet trying to incorporate all of this into something I can explain. Suddenly I see past the bathroom wall and see myself sitting in the living room with the tv still talking to me. At that moment I did not know if I was the guy sitting in the bathroom or the living room. Shit who am I?

Began hitting my legs and realized I was back. Sitting on the toilette. This experience was very hard to integrate. At the beginnIng of the trip I went through a few wormholes of multiple colors. The most disturbing aspect was that I felt so alien to all. I had entered a dimension so alien it was disturbing.

For about 4 months I had problems concentrating. Would I do it again? Absolutely.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105327
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Dec 23, 2017Views: 943
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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