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Better Than Bad Coke
Pentedrone & Alcohol
Citation:   Pentman. "Better Than Bad Coke: An Experience with Pentedrone & Alcohol (exp105371)". Dec 26, 2016.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard  
    repeated insufflated Pentedrone (powder / crystals)
I think of myself as of a pretty experienced researcher, I have been doing stimulants and raving on and off for something like three years. Experienced with amphetamine, MDMA, and many others, especially research chemicals like EPH, MPA and so on.

So it was a warm evening for a night out with friends. Three of us started doing shots of strong liquor, after three or four of them It was time to bust out pentedrone. A gloriously looking - shiny - brownish but also clear crystal shards looked like a crushed candy. It was crushed into a fine powder, it seemed like the powder sticks and leaves a white stain on the table, so it is better to put crystals into folder piece of paper, crush them there and then separate powder into lines.

So we started with a lines of 40mg's as I was experienced with this chem before and felt like this should do the trick. I was right. Minutes after insufflation, after a little bit of stinging pain in the nose (which was quite managable, much better than ethylphenidate for instance) the feeling of lightness took over my mind. We started talking about all kind of stuff, maybe a bit too personal, like sex and love on drugs, our friends and etc. but it felt right. We were active chatting and feeling great. It reminded me of a cocaine high just with this little cathinone feel to it. No tingles in the head like I get from speed, I just feel self confident, honest and friendly. Also I want to talk a lot. There was this little bit of anxiety in back of my mind when coming up and coming down, but it was very managable.

An hour later, almost when the whole bottle of liquor was gone, we still felt high, not so intense but it still was there. We did same size lines once again and the activity and energy came right back. Almost an hour more later, some more friends came over, and we had to wait for about half an hour before heading to the club, we decided we will do one more line just before leaving for the taxi. I felt very hungry at that time, which shows that Pentedrone doesn't have that much of an anorexic effect as speed for instance. I had some light food which seemed to go into me very difficultly. Waiting for taking a one more line before taxi seemed to be kind of a hard task. Me and other friend agreed that the mood lift was gone and not as good anymore, like we felt mini - depression, maybe because we were coming down already.

Taxi arrived at last! We did one more line and it felt great, back on top again for like an hour. In the club, chatting and having a good time for the whole night, however when the effects of this drug are gone, I don't really feel a HUGE urge to redose, but I just feel tired, sleepy and not so talkative anymore. 20 mg redose does the job pretty alright, no need to do big lines like I used to.

The comedown is there, deffinately and it can be pretty bad but the good thing is that it doesn't last that long, and the next day I feel fine, maybe just a little bit tired, but there is no suicidal thoughts if I sleep for at least couple of hours.

So to sum up all this report, I think Pentedrone is one of the best available legal stimulants right now on the market. It's like coke, just cheaper and prettier. Also doesn't feel so bad on the body (probably will with a higher dose), feels pretty exhausting for the mind but nothing rest can't fix and comedown itself doesn't last that long.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105371
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Dec 26, 2016Views: 2,777
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Pentedrone (619) : Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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