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Morphine in Hospital
by MTT
Citation:   MTT. "Morphine in Hospital: An Experience with Morphine (exp10538)". Nov 19, 2002.

10 mg SC Morphine
Just came out of surgery and felt pretty awful so I asked for some pain relief. The nurse shot my thigh with 10mg morphine. No effects were noticed for probably 30 minutes, when I started to calm down and relax a little. They took me back to my room, where I started to feel reasonable and decided I needed a piss so I could concentrate on the drugs effects. Having urinated with difficulty I settled back into bed. I felt like closing my eyes but not sleepy. When I did close my eyes I found extremely lucid images of street and rustling leaves. The images where somewhat grey although some low intensity redness was present. They where really dreams I suppose for I was walking those streets etc.

Once again the rustling of leaves was extremely vivid, I have no idea why this would be so. When my eyes were open, the items in the room swam up and down leaving mild tracers. At the peak as I opened my eyes the ceiling became a golden honeycomb structure. All in all the primary plus for this drug is that it completely relieved the discomfort I felt. I even refused the further painkillers they later offered. It was no doubt context, but I felt no euphoria, just releif. I was even a little freaked out by the hallucinations. I had wanted to experience the fentanyl given during anaesthesia but I'd fallen unconcious too soon. This may have been more enjoyable.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10538
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 19, 2002Views: 37,492
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Morphine (211) : General (1), Hospital (36)

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