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The Onset Is Fast
Citation:   LELVND. "The Onset Is Fast: An Experience with MDA (exp105391)". Mar 1, 2017.

1 capsl oral MDA
For weeks my older brother, R, has been trying to take me to my first rave. I wasn't too interested in the rave scene as I have trouble in most social situations, not quite the social butterfly if you ask me.

Anyway my brother went to work and my girlfriend showed up and left around 6:30. After my girlfriend had just left, my brother was finding some people to come rave with us. After many attempts he gave up trying and decided not to go this week, until his friend hit him up asking if he was going to the works, so we ended up getting a ride to the rave. As we got there we parked across the street and head inside, payed 20 dollars for the night and then our search began. We were hoping to come across our friend, Molly. I have never done Molly.

So looking around for Molly, we ended up coming across a dealer and scored some Sass. I wasn't familiar with Sass, or the chemicals provided in this clear pill. The chemical was black, and grainy.
The chemical was black, and grainy.

(~T+0:00) Looked at it with doubt, watched my brother R, down it with some water and did the same. Not sure what to expect I decided to just let it run its course.

(~T+0:15) Hasn't kicked in yet, feeling a bit nervous but in a good mood, I started getting involved with the rave a bit, dancing and what not.

(~T+0:30) The trip has just begun. Lights get brighter, and saturated. Movements and everything around me seem to have more frame rate as if I was seeing in 30 frames per second, and suddenly switch to 60. I was in a very great euphoric state of mind.

(~T+0:45) I cannot feel pain. No matter how hard I pinch myself I just couldn't feel pain. Incredible. Mild visuals started to take hold as I passed the bathroom with trails that emitted from my fingertips.

(~T+1:00) Started to go hard dancing, I found that there is no such thing as being comfortable in any temperature. If it's a bit warm, I'm sweating, if I'm a bit cold, I'm freezing. Then again, for sweating, dancing probably didn't help, but goddamn I enjoyed it.

During the whole night until about 2:45, I had been using my brother's gloves giving light shows to a few cute girls and a few people who were, 'Rolling' as I was. Received and gave many hugs that night, but unfortunately it was time to go.

When I got home at 4:34AM, I headed inside and looked at the mild visuals I was getting, fascinated by the way it displayed such an LSD type trip. A bit wavy vision and distorted when I looked at things like the radio in the car, and my brother's car were growing bigger, and smaller.

I packed a quick bowl of some Cannabis I had previously. Smoking it didn't give me any type of different feeling, it was completely masked by the intensity of the MDA. Although, interestingly enough it made the visuals much stronger. I started seeing patterns in the carpet, a white frost freezing over the whole carpet in the form of a spider web, it was beautiful. Colors were just the deepest and most saturated you can possibly imagine.

6:10AM, my brother falls asleep and I ended up passing out too. The hangover the next day was TOO much. Lethargic, tired, and still a bit high with residual effects. I was still seeing trails, and distortion still, as well as concrete swiping to the sides as if it was waves of a riptide pulling back into the ocean from my peripherals.

Didn't feel right for a whole 3 days.

Worth it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105391
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 1, 2017Views: 1,924
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MDA (34) : First Times (2), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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