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Live Happily
DOC & Beer
Citation:   Dmtlove. "Live Happily: An Experience with DOC & Beer (exp105447)". Jun 2, 2021.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  1 mg oral DOC
Story is about an eventful day, which includes drinking, fish curry, DOC, and a return back home from a trance party. I was in Goa, doing a course. I supplied DOC from online source. As a Goan will do I usually starting drinking, go on beach with ear phone and Bob Dylan playing and enjoy the sun, sea and sand. A friend drop down a morning, we headed to a bar drank beers like camel and got drunk up to our nose. Came back to room and I have separated 1mg for my introduction experience with DOC which then I eat. My buddy left me then all alone. Being so drunk that time, I just crashed to bed.

A hour after another buddy calls me up and ask me a favor, there was a trance party where the owner his friend needed some people to manage incoming crowd. I told him my state of being drunk and about DOC, I told him as it can kick in another hour, if it does not I'll volunteer and go to trance party...

Came back to bed and went to sleep. Another hour pass by, he tangs me up and wake me up from sleep. I was feeling nothing, so I agreed to work. In few time I was riding my bike to reach the party avenue. First effect, blue colour seems brighter, I was just like it, dark and white, but I ignored it and in sometime I reach the party. Meet another employee, who then tells me my work, and as I was taking notes from him, I started smiling and felt great. I knew by then that colours are brighter, amphetamine push was there, I knew I was tripping. I decide I should check the party out, I was getting free pass to get in. I went in, and it started to give me hard push, felt like dancing. Then I thought it's better if I leave from here because if I can't work properly and create a trouble, things can get ugly. Got out of party took my bike to back home. It was feeling good, I was smiling all the time, visual distortion was not heavy at all.

I reach back home, came in. I tried to feel and understand DOC effects. Visuals was not heavy, probably because I just use approx 1mg. Not such audio changes. But, nice body high, felt like dancing or moving around. Visuals were just tilting towards right and squaring a bit, quiet light I wished some more. Close eyes visual, nothing, seriously.


At 1mg it was be used as a party drug, makes me clear headed, communicative, bit of sexual feelings evaded. Very moderate and controllable visuals. It will be a great tool to get the most out of trance party, I'm a nerd to come back out of one trance party. Grounds did not allow me to do that. Overall trip last for 12 hours, but one thing which was constant, good body feeling and I was bit giggling, teeth grinding too.

I love pysedelic because I really wire my soul to my thoughts!!!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105447
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 2, 2021Views: 700
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DOC (357) : Combinations (3), General (1), Various (28)

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