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The Less You Expect...
LSD & Alcohol
Citation:   Xiuliayna. "The Less You Expect...: An Experience with LSD & Alcohol (exp105464)". Aug 1, 2019.

  repeated oral Alcohol  
  1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
The Less You Expect the More You Experience

The night was very young when my boyfriend came home after work. It was just after dark in late August and the heat of the day had yet to leave the air. Heat has always made me feel tired. The moment he came in the door, he tells me it's time to make myself pretty because tonight is his best friend's birthday.

'Ugh... so don't want to go out tonight.' I think to myself. 'Well, can't say no, and maybe I'll have a bit of fun'.
'Ok. Give me 20 minutes.'

All done up, we leave home to meet at the bar to do the normal birthday thing. A few funny things happened, good friends and good conversation flowed. As everyone starts to realize the number of sober people is getting lower and lower, we decide to move to a place where people won't have to drive for the night.

'Hey! Hey!' My boyfriend was calling me over to him.
'Wass up?' My little drunken self asks.
'Wanna drop some acid?'

At this point in my life, I had tried it once and it was kinda ehh.
At this point in my life, I had tried it once and it was kinda ehh.
I knew that it was supposed to be mind blowing so I welcomed the opportunity.
'Yeah! Yes I do!'

After sucking that little paper to mush and leaving it under my tongue for a long period of measured time, I was piled into a car after being told I was being driven by a sober driver to a safe place to enjoy my experience.

The rest of the night was a blur of mind blowing experience there are no words for. In the midst of this blur there were some tangibles. I started to feel as if I was in control of myself from an alternate plane of existence. It was as if my life was like a serious rpg game that was not to be taken lightly. I was human, but not in the sense that I had always been human, or that presently I had to be only human. Almost like my body was an avatar that under normal circumstances, I am unaware of.

I found a comfortable seat and gazed into the pool. There was a reflection of the window above it in the glass still water. I reached out my hand and felt the smooth glass of the window on top of the pool from my seat 25 feet away, and ran my fingers over the wooden cross inlaid in the window. I became aware of these 'touch downs'. They looked like the representation of black holes that NASA or a physicist might use to illustrate how its gravity works on spacetime. They were all over. The house I was in was on the top of a hill looking out over the town, and I could see these touch downs all over the whole city. I knew that those were other people like me, who were human and also in another place. The other thing about these touch downs was that I could hear them. They sounded like a spiraling buzz. My boyfriend found me and sat with me. He took my face and kissed me. He told me he loved me. I told him I love him. We stared and stared until his third eye opened. He saw mine open. We stared.

I woke up the next morning before sunrise. I could still hear the touch downs, but I could not see them.
I woke up the next morning before sunrise. I could still hear the touch downs, but I could not see them.
The horizon was black hills bathed in golden light. A ray of red sunlight pierced the crevice and cast a copper light over the town below. I felt like crap on the outside and like heaven on the inside. It was 7am. My boyfriend was still sleeping. I decided I couldn't just sit there and I wanted to let him sleep.

As my foot placed itself on the driftwood deck, I was aware through my feet all of the grooves. I found my balance and took a deep breath. The air was so clean. I went inside and was in a fairy tale. There was a solid wood stair case in the center of the room. The beams in the ceiling still had all the knots, and the rings made them appear to pop out. The kitchen was off to the left in this giant circular room, and there was an oval door leading off to a circular garden with an apple tree in the center. The smell of jasmine hung in the air like a heavy fog and bathed my senses in a peace I had never known.

I eventually went back inside. I couldn't stop pacing. I wanted to open the glass doors bordering the pool and jump in, but I knew it would be freezing. My boyfriend woke up and we reviewed what we could from the night before and sat in awe with each other remembering what we had shared. Another girl woke up. She happened to have the same name as my boyfriend's ex-wife and we saw significance in that.

The drive home was like a Disney movie. All the houses looked like the Disney animators designed the whole world. Everything was wavy and weird. Or as I said at the time 'weeeeeeiiiiiird' haha. We got home and the whole place looked bigger in some places and smaller in others. We showered. The water was so revitalizing. My mind wouldn't stop and I knew that I had created my entire reality. The sky rippled. The trees each looked different. One looked like it was made of string. One looked like it was made of reptars from rugrats back in the day. One looked like a pathway to Heaven and each branch was a different story along the path. I layed in the hammock and I could see the glowing dandelion seeds blowing in the breeze. I had this sense of how things imagine themselves into existence for every moment it exists. I could still hear the touch downs. For all that it mattered, it could have easily been 1973, 1967 or 2014. It didn't particularly matter. And that was nice.

My boyfriend got a phone call from his ex-wife saying she was on her way over to drop something off for him. I looked a him, he looked at me and we giggled remembering the girl from that morning. I spent some time with my white rabbit (literally) and thought about Alice in Wonderland. He wouldn't leave me alone and kept licking my cheeks. I wondered if he knew what I was experiencing and was happy.

I went inside and tried to draw, but the blank piece of paper showed me an elk' s head that as it moved, turned into a roaring lion. I couldn't concentrate. I decided to join my boyfriend in the bedroom and watched a trip video. A gentle sleep found me and I drifted into the most vivid dreams of my life. The next morning, I awoke and life was new.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105464
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Aug 1, 2019Views: 916
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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