I Can't Live My Life the Way I Used to Anymore
DMT & Salvia divinorum (100x extract)
Citation:   Enlightened Panda. "I Can't Live My Life the Way I Used to Anymore: An Experience with DMT & Salvia divinorum (100x extract) (exp105531)". Erowid.org. Jan 21, 2020. erowid.org/exp/105531

  smoked DMT  
    smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
My Life Changing DMT Salvia Experience

What I am about to describe to you is not a regular trip. It is not a simple 'drug' experience, but rather a life changing journey from which I still cannot come back. I am writing here in hopes that somebody, somewhere, may have a similar experience and may be able to help me with the horror that my life has become.

Maybe a little background would help. I grew up a foreigner in one of the most old fashioned towns in America. The kind of town where weed is on par with meth in terms of social taboo. The kind of town where your neighbors know every police officer, teacher, doctor, and fire fighter in town by first and last name. I wont go into detail about what town I live in but we're world famous for our chocolate (hint).

I don't know if its because I'm foreign and I see this town's society from a different view or if I'm genuinely just mental. I was raised to accept everyone and more importantly, to know everything before acting.

I'm not a stranger to 'drugs' by any means, having tried ecstasy, lsd, bk-mdma, m1, shrooms, mary j, methaqualone, and so on. The important thing to note here is that I have never tried salvia or dmt. Only ever hearing of them (not mixed together of course), I was interested. I like to push limits. Our subconscious has so much hidden and picks up so many things that we miss and I believe there are secrets in our mind that we cannot comprehend. I wanted to see what mysteries my own mind wanted to tell me.
I wanted to see what mysteries my own mind wanted to tell me.

Having ordered salvia 100x (big mistake I know now) and close to 60mg's of dmt, I had planned to mix the two. I blended them in a grinder and had close to a 70/30 pack of salvia and dmt. Smoking out of my hilarious bob marley's penis bong, the first hit was immediately numbing. Holding in for 10 seconds and releasing was a stretch for me for I was already starting to feel my heart race. It wasn't until I pulled through with the leftover smoke that I started shaking uncontrollably in only what I could describe as a mild seizure. Within 60 seconds I was on the floor shaking so bad that when I spoke, it sounded as if I was sitting on an overheating generator.

In a split second, my seizures had stopped. My voice was calm and all I remember saying was 'I'm going to die'. Those were the last words I heard before I left my body entirely. I had immediately felt something grab the back of my neck and pull me backwards with such force that my room shattered into pieces as if made from glass. The force pulled me further and further until I was no longer on earth. I wish I could tell you I was in space and saw my spirit animal who spoke a riddle to me and I solved my quest. Instead, I had been pulled so far that not a single star was visible. Everything I saw was utterly black.

I hadn't begun to panic until just then, but funny thing, I looked down at me and saw an abstract shape which to this day I believe should be called a Cractazoid. Upon looking up a creature with no apparent shape was weaving a thread of the most pure twine I will ever see. The thread was glowing white with the purest simplicity. I repeatedly asked the figure what shape he was creating but never received an answer. After months of him weaving and me calmly watching, I noticed bright transcendent orbs of life fading from where he first started his weaving. His own creation was dissolving as he weaved. The orbs stayed in their place at first. Then they started to move in random directions, slowly at first, but gradually gaining speed. Soon I bore witness to hundreds of thousands of orbs flying the speed of light in every direction imaginable. This didn't stop the creature, hell, it didn't even slow him down. He weaved faster as the orbs began taking their place in the distance as fading stars. Only when I looked around me again did I see that the despair of nothingness had transformed into a beautiful universe filled with stars and nebula's. I looked down at the creature to see he was done his weaving and the last of his creation's orbs of life were scattering away. The creature was an all black mess of shapes and sizes, yet at the same it looked truly beautiful in its own merit.

Thats when it got bad. I had witnessed the beginning of life and a calm serene feeling washed over me. I looked up at the stars and saw them start to disappear one by one. The creature started to exude sharp arches of red from its skin. The look of pain it had I will never forget. The stars had begun to recede back to the creature and with every orb that hit its skin it flinched. Looking down at my body I saw more and more of the arches sticking from me and blowing up with colors of green and red. The rapid flash of colors and the sheer speed of everything was crippling my mind. I began feeling pure panic and despair. The shape creature grabbed me by my collar and pulled me once again with such brute force that in one split second, every feeling, every emotion I was experiencing was shattered like glass.

I don't remember much afterwards, only opening my eyes after the shattering, feeling like shards of glass were stuck in my body. I was drenched in a cold sweat and for the first time in my life I felt like breaking down and crying. The next week was surreal, everything was flawless and beautiful. I saw the trees as shapes and the smell of chocolate on the street (my town's factory used to produce mass amounts of chocolate and the smell would wash over the entire town. Heaven) was pure ecstasy.

It's been 11 months since my journey. I cannot continue living the way I do.
It's been 11 months since my journey. I cannot continue living the way I do.
My family's conversations are mundane and the way humans live their life is horrid. I have a mission. I know what I must do and I know that I will complete it one day. I do not know when or how I'll do it though, and my life is horrible. I need closure, I cant live my life the way I used to anymore yet I don't know how I'm supposed to live my life now. I have been drug free since that journey for the sole reason that I feel like I need to know what my journey meant before I can go on another.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105531
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 21, 2020Views: 1,852
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DMT (18), Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Post Trip Problems (8), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3)

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